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  1. Scritching Instructions?
  2. French Twist....
  3. So who else has cut their hair for April Fools'?
  4. Decided to cut. Shoud I donate?
  5. A good hair day
  6. OK, well apparently I'm delusional
  7. updos with or without accessories
  8. Orchid Bun - instructions?
  9. Dry, Dry Hair- Need some Relief!
  10. Why didn't I try this bun before....?
  11. couple of questions
  12. waist/quick/easy followup
  13. I want buns but they pull :/
  14. Where to donate...
  15. Using oils and 'cones together
  16. A thanks and goodbye
  17. Had a terrible accident!
  18. Thickening My Pony?
  19. Horrible April Fools! They whacked her hair!
  20. Question about breaking hair at the ends
  21. Help with shortie measuring
  22. Hair vs nails
  23. Tangles
  24. Hair Compliment!!!!
  25. S&D on shorter hair - can you do it?
  26. Graduation hair?
  27. For those who have shorter layers around the face...
  28. Who had long hair before BDs?
  29. So what happened to my slip?
  30. What am I doing wrong?
  31. Measurement Cheats
  32. Long time no see!
  33. when in the bath/shower
  34. Hair Follicle growth?
  35. So I need help on a routine??
  36. S-L-O-W Growth
  37. My growth is slowing!!!
  38. Does your hair like misting?
  39. does hair slow down the longer it gets
  40. What do you do with your hair in winter??
  41. R.I.P. Rat - a cautionary tale!
  42. Question about circumference
  43. Blending in older lightened hair colour.
  44. Big Chop pics as promised!!!!!
  45. widows' peaks?
  46. Help with Folded Braid Updo
  47. Fun Hair Discussion
  48. Sooooooooooo soft!
  49. S&D thread???
  50. Such a Doofus
  51. Was this you? Do tell. . .
  52. Pictures of me with and without fringe.
  53. Favorite hair styles!
  54. Lets play a game- Classify my hair
  55. hehehe...pony tail
  56. Going blonde- how should I prepare?
  57. hows ya'll hair doing
  58. I Got a Perm Today
  59. misting container grief
  60. Just found a 30 year old picture.....
  61. what to do while taking bath?
  62. noticeing some split ends
  63. I'm a hair idiot
  64. HELP- LOL campaign
  65. Finally found a way of braiding comfortably for the night!!!
  66. How to stop hair breakage? what am I doing wrong?
  67. Im a hairdo moron.
  68. Pretending hair is longer or thicker
  69. disappearing curls and frizzy hair
  70. updo instructions
  71. Sets and Pantyhose and Layers
  72. help! fluffy frizzy morning hair
  73. how to wear hair while doing yoga
  74. Headlice!!!
  75. Invent hairstyle name (made by squiggyflop)
  76. My New Signature Picture Showing My Perm
  77. Alright hair gods and gurus, a challenge
  78. Freakishly ugly yet very comfy and practical updo
  79. Can't figure out how to wash my hair!
  80. Cutting hair by the phases of the moon.
  81. Horrible Flakes!
  82. Milestone! 25 inches today :D
  83. Action shots now up!!
  84. Figure 8 bun, finally managed a proper one!
  85. OMG long enough for sock bun!
  86. I was a bad girl. I chopped my poor hair.
  87. To dye or not to dye
  88. I FINALLY got my hair in a bun NICELY
  89. First time in my LIFE I've been called a "Hair Guru"
  90. What to do with neck hair
  91. How long does it take to dry
  92. Is it true? the longer the thinner
  93. Clothing perfect for long hair?
  94. I'm finally back!
  95. My hair
  96. growing out fringe
  97. Earrings and Long Hair
  98. Do we have figure 8 Instuctions?
  99. is sweat harmful?
  100. "Floor length hair is dirty and gross"
  101. Redi-Whip TV Commercial Hairstyle
  102. It's so knotty!
  103. How to stop the splits?
  104. Urge to cut; help
  105. My hair at the party!
  106. how strange of a request is this (to ask a stylist) ?
  107. Katie Holmes=Britney Spears?
  108. Bad Hair Day Do?
  109. Square Four Strand Braid
  110. For those who have done hair modeling...
  111. hair growth chart
  112. Waist! WAIIIIST!
  113. Conefree - not for me
  114. Straightening?
  115. Am I balding ?? Could it be genetic
  116. Henna, highlights, or sit on my hands?
  117. How often do you "have to" cut hair?
  118. Infinity bun pic
  119. REALLY bad salon
  120. 2 funny family reactions to share
  121. 10 second quick bun, revisited (a hopefully non toy killer version!)
  122. Coarse hair--what's your routine?
  123. shedding (and a hello)
  124. Scalp Problems - Help!
  125. Plankton and Hair
  126. Snapping sounds?
  127. waist+, quick/easy photographic evidence
  128. Stoopid French-Twist Question
  129. Nothing beats the Monday blues......
  130. Updated pics
  131. Newbie with a ?
  132. What happened to my waves?
  133. Static
  134. Does hair coloring remove highlights?
  135. All fall down
  136. "I love hair" Logo
  137. Should I get layers??
  138. Wow, my turn to receive a hair compliment!
  139. Short Hairs in the Sink
  140. Good hair growth news - had to share!
  141. The BSL updo thread!
  142. Thank You LHC! (6 month Anniversary)
  143. Waxies! Should I wash again?
  144. Irl - Thud! Gurk!
  145. plopping or messy scrunchy
  146. Help with baby's hair
  147. really long, rambling rant
  148. Pillow plopping?
  149. Who is Kovstro?
  150. Hair Appointment...Totally Scared!
  151. Having trouble with sock bun.
  152. Invited to 1920's fancy dress party - but what to do with long hair??
  153. Was this another LHCer???
  154. Blowdrying with cold air
  155. Shampoo Questions?
  156. Your most drastic cut ever?
  157. A quick shot of my hair
  158. swimming hair
  159. Holy carp! A chinese bun! (finally)
  160. Teenage girl looks like alien after hair dye causes severe allergic reaction
  161. Post Photos of your Braided Beards here!
  162. Scritch Scratch ... how often is too often?
  163. Knotty question
  164. A question for those with long hair?
  165. Your hair care routine with cones
  166. Braid Compliment
  167. Wear hair DOWN challenge
  168. Flat bun?
  169. Feel good comments
  170. My hair pic.
  171. Updated Hair pic.
  172. Ways to clip growing out bangs/fringe back?
  173. Poodle Perm?
  174. naturally staight or wavy?
  175. CO with a side of guilt...
  176. You know what I really love about LHC?
  177. A question on hair measurment...
  178. Amazing long hair sighting!
  179. Hair pix!
  180. Where is the hair classifier information?
  181. Hair styling problem!
  182. 3-year-old with long hair...
  183. Hair in the vacuum brushes
  184. Corn Rows? Braided Extensions?
  185. Hair Breakage
  186. What are they thinking?
  187. grow up and cut your hair comment
  188. since growing your hair how many....
  189. Forgotten your 'do?
  190. No confidence in hair
  191. Messy Bun Help!!!!!
  192. Natural ways to straighten hair
  193. Beaded Hair?
  194. Can you tie your hair in a knot?
  195. Help me style my hair!
  196. Thank you TLHC
  197. post pregnancy hair?
  198. ponytail
  199. How to make curls stick in straight hair?
  200. Strange thought....
  201. Thank You Mods
  202. CO only - dilute?
  203. I too tried the Chinese bun!
  204. Hard water and long hair
  205. Question for those who had short hair
  206. Problems with keeping hair damp all of the time?
  207. something different?
  208. My hair looks and feels horrible. MUST get it into shape.
  209. Please help with dry ends.
  210. Does your scalp have moods?
  211. To cut or not to cut?
  212. Which hair related words make you go eek?
  213. less tangles = healthy hair?
  214. I had a dream
  215. Pics after my haircut!
  216. Feeling frustrated...
  217. Need Help With Fading Bad Haircolour
  218. a-HAH! A frizz insight!!
  219. I she going to lose her curls?
  220. The CO (conditioner only) washing thread
  221. please help asap!!!
  222. Hi, advice required... :)
  223. "Cuter and Cuter"
  224. You know you are a long hair when....
  225. Trim and Progress Pictures
  226. 1-yr LHC anniversary! (pics in private album)
  227. New album
  228. Braiding Ends
  229. Wanna see my pillow curls?
  230. Who else has a DH or BF that says silly things about your hair?
  231. Fantastic Sam's Fiasco.
  232. Why is day 2 the 'good' day?
  233. Low manipulation Question- HOw often do you comb and brush your hair
  234. When is your hair shiniest?
  235. Confused about the world of hair
  236. Wow - I love her hair
  237. toy storage...how do you?
  238. How to protect hair from hot springs?
  239. split ends
  240. Hairtype me please?
  241. granddaughter's compliment
  242. tiny bald spots?
  243. My Boyfriend's hair! (Picture)
  244. Bored on a Sunday? Try new buns!
  245. Humiliating catch up chat
  246. How do you tell if your hair needs oil or protein?
  247. The cheaters figure 8
  248. Easy and secure way for spirally curls!
  249. Updo round-up: 1a F iii hair, shoulderblade length
  250. How to keep protein in hair?