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  1. Over conditioning?
  2. Finally at waist length…. but horrible breakage?!
  3. Frustrated with flyaways
  4. A very hasty 3 year anniversary!
  5. Good medical article on causes of hair loss in women and tests
  6. Has anyone tried Godrej Anoop 100% Herbal Hair Oil?
  7. Bubble Wrap Curlers!
  8. How Much Longer To Stretch Washing?
  9. Porosity. What the Heck is it All About?
  10. Porosity. What the Heck is it All About?
  11. I'm really fed up with my wavy hair
  12. Fia's Hair Typing?
  13. Oh me, oh my! Protein overload, perhaps? help appreciated!
  14. Coconut Oil Vs. Protein Overload Debate.
  15. Waist by 2015
  16. Human Hair String Quartet
  17. Sock Bun Thread, (Pics!)
  18. Point me in the direction of....?
  19. White dots keep appearing by the dozens every month???? Help!!!
  20. Is it bad that I don't want "long hair"?
  21. Would you type my hair, please?
  22. Craving a Blowout (an indulgence thread)
  23. Caster oil question
  24. How can you tell if you're imagining your hair growth?
  25. Why Did You Cut Off All Your Hair??? And A Ramble.
  26. Air drying causes damage?
  27. coneheads: trouble finding a coney routine
  28. Updos for APL hair?
  29. Garnier Olia anyone?
  30. New Sensations that make my day
  31. any been contacted by ....
  32. Favorite hair related youtube videos
  33. Scrunchies are Back?
  34. Is it bad to get mud in your hair?
  35. What a difference!
  36. Black to Blonde
  37. My first hair journey pictures(in my album)
  38. Does heat only damage ends?
  39. What do YOU think should be stickied, put in a sub-forum, or an announcement
  40. Does my hair look healthy? Also need help with hair type
  41. Will clarifying shampoo help with hard water and yellow hair?
  42. A teeny tiny henna rant - may I?
  43. I'm wondering if lustrasilk has cones in it
  44. Sulfate shampoos better than sulfate free?
  45. Did it AGAIN! (PICS)
  46. How has your hair changed with age?
  47. my sisters 55 and loosing her hair
  48. Hair stick question
  49. A question about sebum...
  50. 1 year and 10 months of hair growth :D
  51. Hair Type Question
  52. Tips for getting haircut from hairdressers?
  53. Circumference and bangs
  54. How do you make a pencil bun?
  55. Peace Offerings for Hair
  56. s&d methods?
  57. One last time
  58. Protective hairstyles for sports?
  59. What a difference a month makes!
  60. About thickness: adding circumferences to account for bangs? How does that work??
  61. Forbidden Hair Pleasures
  62. i'm delicate and I know it about my hair, but. . .
  63. Bleached blondes
  64. Macadamia Oil
  65. Update with pics
  66. Major tangling issue....
  67. Castor oil for treating Trich related thinning - A journey.
  68. Scalp problem... help!
  69. Question about my hair color/rant (pics)
  70. 'Cones and co-washing - help me!
  71. Toned my hair to GREY
  72. how to wash your hair DRY...?!?!?!?
  73. I am able to do services at Cosmetology School now. I can do trims and other
  74. Curly Styles
  75. Am I at hip length?
  76. Ball tip Brush
  77. Is my hair healthy? (Quite long but need opinions)
  78. Hair Crisis, I ripped my hair and now I have an afro.. I might die
  79. How bad is hairspray really?
  80. Split ends and white dots ugh!
  81. Causes for hair to be really dry/stiff while wet/washing
  82. I'm losing my hair! I'm scared!
  83. long hair guys and family reactions?
  84. Do your shed hairs do this too?
  85. What are you doing to/for your hair right now?
  86. masquerade hair!
  87. Weekend Project: Hair and beauty product purge.
  88. Hair Help?
  89. Protective styles for medium wavy/curly hair, blunt at (just below) APL?
  90. did/does anyone else have this fear?
  91. Do metal hair clamps cause damage to the hair?
  92. hair clips with sharp teeth?
  93. Thinking about using silicones while trying to grow out hair.
  94. Eeeek my first Mason Pearson brush came in the mail!!
  95. Hair Chalk
  96. Fave Moisturizing Conditioner?
  97. 50 plus and fabulous!
  98. How is this hair style done?
  99. Favorite conditioner?
  100. Wondering if this is a side effect of being more attentive to my hair
  101. Going CO?
  102. Good conditioner for the fall/winter
  103. Newbie Questions!
  104. How to naturally get rid of bronze look in hair
  105. 3 years of growth! above shoulder to waist+
  106. can hard water cause my hair to fall out??
  107. Anyone else in the doldrums of APL to BSL?
  108. Photos when you were a kid
  109. Greasy hair issue
  110. French Braiding
  111. Why mother, why? (Hair disaster pics from the past)
  112. tichel or scarf at night?
  113. Air-drying: I'm doing it wrong /o\
  114. keeping hair up 24/7?
  115. Hair growth different rates?
  116. Finally got all my healthy hair products!
  117. Good hair day....and can you type me?
  118. HELP: Thickness makes updos impossible? Or am I just not doing them right?
  119. I chelated my hair and OMG
  120. Does anyone here still use chemical dye?
  121. I just did a perfect crown braid!
  122. Hair Babying Questions
  123. Do women's hair get thinner as they age as well?
  124. Stall at waist? Help!
  125. What do you think of my ends? (pics included)
  126. Tea Rinses?
  127. Sleep Cap?
  128. BBB made my hair look horrible!
  129. Result of the first two years
  130. Did I just screw up? *product related*
  131. I managed to do "peacock twist" in my short hair!
  132. Most compact buns? Pics welcome!
  133. I have trimmed my own bangs
  134. Someone just asked me a question about long hair
  135. I might need to re-type my hair. Thoughts on encouraging waves?
  136. An odd way to curl my hair - does anyone else do this?
  137. Struggling not to give up
  138. Baking Soda and Vinegar Rinse. Now what?
  139. Long haired model
  140. Coconut milk for protein or moisture? Both? Results?
  141. Super-shed, but also super-growth, what?!
  142. Help with curling hair
  143. which mason pearson brush?
  144. Desert Dry Ends...
  145. What is this white gunk in my scalp?
  146. Toning out dyed/brassy portion of hair...
  147. How accurate is this hair care chart?
  148. Ouch ouch ouch - Injured scalp advice please?
  149. Anyone doing their roots soon? Inversion method challenge ...
  150. Best Friend Hair Envy?
  151. So confused!
  152. How do you respond to hair threats?
  153. I feel so cool when I go out with one-stick bun updo
  154. 2 Years of growth: before/after pics!
  155. My hair feels and looks so much thicker.. thanks LHC
  156. Hair for ID pictures
  157. What would cause breakage?
  158. My hair is shedding BADLY )':
  159. I want white hair. Help?!
  160. localised scalp smell
  161. Good Halo/Crown Braid Tutorial
  162. Encouragement!
  163. Help please :)
  164. Any of you fine folks in Switzerland? Where do you find your natural products?
  165. Hair color questions
  166. If you are at your terminal hair length...
  167. Those of you that co-wash, do you still do DTs?
  168. Hair toner question - planning to neutralise the brassiness
  169. 18 months on LHC-pics
  170. Increase in shedding after taking Centrum Silver...could that be the cause???
  171. There is something seriously wrong with my hair and nobody can tell me what.
  172. Bangs or no Bangs?
  173. What a NEAT way to measure hair length, who else does this?
  174. First Sock Bun!!!
  175. Protective Hair Styling
  176. Two years at LHC! [pics inside!]
  177. I always thought my hair was straight but...
  178. Are wigs possible with long hair?
  179. 1 year of progress
  180. Getting Started
  181. A year and half of progress...
  182. The Body Shop Rainforest SHINE shampoo + Tresemme moisture silicone free conditioner
  183. Five year LHC anniversary month - October 2013
  184. Why, oh why, do I have split ends all of a sudden?
  185. I suddenly have halo frizz?
  186. Hair typing?
  187. Short Protective Styles
  188. My little girls hair
  189. Does weight of hair make high widow's peak worse?
  190. Hair coloring disaster
  191. I found the reason for my itching scalp!
  192. stressing over daughter's planned haircut!!!
  193. How damaging is touch?
  194. Bleach on healthy hair... how bad will it be?
  195. Hair style help
  196. What magic is this? Beautiful floral hairdo.
  197. Color fix then henna?
  198. nail rubbing
  199. Where do you think my hair will be at in 8 months time...?
  200. Hair thickness question
  201. Does normal hair growth "skip" chin length hair?
  202. Visual Hairtyping Guide
  203. Advice on my routine and recent uptick in shedding...
  204. Looking for a thread?
  205. White dots?
  206. Hair color problem (picture included)
  207. From pixie to bob to ??? blob. :)
  208. New to long hair/hair care
  209. Things I wish I knew or remembered
  210. Long on Hair, Short on Cash: How do YOU do it?
  211. Are any of these ingredients really bad for the hair and could cause gray hair?
  212. Possibly wavy straighty needs advice on the Curly Girl Method.
  213. My two years progress
  214. Thinking of cutting back to MBL or waist
  215. Faux Bob?
  216. Non-painful bun? Headache Free?
  217. Ladies, do you oil your hair to encourage growth and health?
  218. Quick question re: cheap hair cutting scissors - Opinions/recommendations?
  219. Henna colors?
  220. Self trimming - blunt cut
  221. Flyaways protective hair styles and what to use as a leave in other than oils? HEELPP
  222. Apparently, I Have Iron-Deficient Hair. Need Advice On External Care.
  223. Two years! Time sure flies when you're growing hair :D
  224. People with short hair and updos. I made an album about it!
  225. I got about 3-4 inches of my hair cut off and it started to get dry/damaged again! :(
  226. Hair Cut at Hairdresser's OMG
  227. Drunk hairdresser wouldn't leave me alone!
  228. Any Garnier Olia users out there?
  229. Turbie Twist tied, hair oiled, and I'm ready for bed!
  230. Calling all "hennaheads!"
  231. I Love Short too, Tempted to Chop - How do You Stay Motivated to Not?
  232. Side combs or barrettes -which is better for hair?
  233. Too Stressed For Hair Growth?
  234. 26 Tutorials for Princess Hair
  235. The Growth Thread w/pictures
  236. What are your hair tricks and tips for growing it long?
  237. At what length does wearing hair down start to become difficult?
  238. How is this for a healthy start? (Pic included!)
  239. Listening to LHC advices changed my hair texture
  240. Crafty & Curly Experimentation (pics)
  241. Thank goodness for the LHC!
  242. Lawsuit - Suave Professionals 30 day Keratin Infusion Kit
  243. Oil + canned coconut milk VS diluted tresemme conditioner as a leave in? Which?
  244. Dye/Bleach addicts support thread.
  245. I have a youtube channel on long wavy hair care!
  246. I am struggling to embrace my waves
  247. Help! Cannabis in my conditioner?? :S
  248. My hair has been growing a bit less than 1/3" a month
  249. Help! Lady/Priestess Blank Order of the Long Haired Knights...?
  250. Why does Philip Kingsley recommend daily shampooing?