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  1. Calling all hair detectives: Why am I shedding?
  2. Another one of Pinky's dumb ideas....
  3. anyone see this article about long hair in hollywood?
  4. 3c/4a hair. I Can't French braid without it creating a gnarled mass of hair!!!!
  5. Is it strange to be excited to go grey?
  6. How to get my old hair thickness back?ponytail circumference and hairstrand thickness
  7. Breakouts and MSM
  8. 2 years plus on the LHC ... pic heavy
  9. Trimmed again, finally happy with my hair. Time to grow!
  10. Really noticing the damage
  11. Not a big deal to some, but...
  12. New Jersey Mall Hair. New Jersey Mall Hair. New Jersey Mall Hair.
  13. Burdock vs JBC vs jojoba vs mustard oils or aloe vera? for shedding and thickness?
  14. Semi-permanent color question
  15. January Update
  16. seborrheic dermatitis stressing me out.
  17. My future hair twin
  18. Update on cassia for covering gray
  19. I am FAMOUS!!! pics!!!
  20. straightening hair without heat? saw this on pinterest...
  21. Found an extremely thick strand of hair!
  22. Help with avc rinse.
  23. Tightly curled end of hair = damage?
  24. How to Style Your Hair Like a Chavette (Female Chav)
  25. Hair in California
  26. Mismatched Hair and Loving It! Thread
  27. How do you not pull your hair out?
  28. Hair Poof - thin hair
  29. FINE & THIN hair! Tips for moisture and to grow it longer!
  30. The "Save your shed hairs to make a hair doughnut" thread
  31. What is optimal hair growth?
  32. I Dip-Dyed my hair.. Pics
  33. Length Pictures~ January 2013
  34. Finally trimmed off last layers! Yay!
  35. Well, there are crownbraids and ... other braids
  36. Help! Need advice on natural hair washes FAST!
  37. Changing routine for a cooler, drier climate?
  38. Haircut / Layers advice for uneven curls
  39. How to prevent my very fine thin hair from getting even finer especially in the ends?
  40. How to protect my hair when using a helmet?
  41. Back to APL self pitty post
  42. Rinsing the scalp properly
  43. Terminal length?NOOOO
  44. Help toning down red tones left from faded chemical dyes.
  45. The bobby pin truth
  46. Soo... I cut my hair. Now I have NO tangles!
  47. Please help with waxy buildup in my hair!!
  48. What do you still struggle with?
  49. Cassia treatment for shinier hair! (Pics)
  50. 1 Year of Hair Growth! (Pics)
  51. My coconut oil is making my hair feel dry and brittle!
  52. I'm Getting a Pixie
  53. Post your family\country hair tips or secrets? :)
  54. Miconazole Solution instead of Cream?
  55. What are the pros of having fine hair?
  56. Placenta...?
  57. Maybe my hair loves sulfates and silicones!?
  58. WOO HOO!! I have reached 28.5 inches!!
  59. Is my hair shedding ok now or should i still be worried? picture
  60. Upside down washing
  61. Help - I think my 2c/3a hair hates conditioner!
  62. Swimming: what do you do?
  63. Finally reached BSL! Pics :) & hiii!
  64. 9 hairstick styles, one video!
  65. Is this Normal??
  66. How to make hair look better straight vs wavy??
  67. Head scarf for wind?
  68. Hair Type Help for a Newbie!
  69. Smoking/Coffee/Stimulants and Hair Growth
  70. Split-ends! Help!
  71. Getting through this funky inbetween stage
  72. Help - Old Lady Hair. :( Long sad tale of woe
  73. ******n stupid hair
  74. I made it to Tailbone!!!
  75. rapidly greying at 23?
  76. Reconstruction of hairstyle from ancient Egypt!
  77. Let this be a lesson.......
  78. Hair appointment tomorrow, hair update
  79. Haven't been here for a while...so frustrated right now!
  80. What causes this?
  81. SMTing as we speak!
  82. Genetic bald spot? will castor oil work?
  83. Baby shampoo for sensitive scalp
  84. The worst thing about growing my hair out....
  85. Wheat Germ Oil
  86. 3 years at TLHC!! (pic heavy)
  87. Redheads don't go gray and other "weird" facts
  88. Indigo help
  89. Pets and Haircare
  90. Wow, my hair is longer than (insert name)'s!
  91. Hair Update
  92. I did it !!!! My new hair ......
  93. Now when did THAT happen?! I seem to be at waist (pics) :)
  94. Beard "velcro" issue
  95. wood or bamboo brush
  96. I Think I'm Going to Have............Keratin
  97. Chelesterol treatment
  98. any opinions?
  99. I was spotted in the wild!
  100. Pictures of my WGF (White Guy Fro!!) PIC HEAVY!!
  101. Hair length goal...possiblity?
  102. Donating blood
  103. Amla oil or powder?
  104. Recommendations for shower comb?
  105. Have you ever tried an herbal rinse or anything that made your hair curlier?
  106. Heat Protectors?
  107. WHOA- major stopped up bathtub w/ aritha powder...HELP!
  108. good corporate / conservative updos?!
  109. Groovy food coconut oil?
  110. benefits of a boar bristle brush?
  111. I haven't posted in ages but...
  112. Do my ends look thin, do I need a trim???
  113. How often to shampoo/condition long hair?
  114. Recreating a short hairstyle for long hair
  115. Undamaged roots are dull and damaged ends are bright and shiny!?
  116. How layers grow out with hair texture? (F & 1b/1c)
  117. Baths and stretching washes
  118. WOW- I think I just figured out how to post a pic!!
  119. More pics!
  120. Wall of hair.
  121. Not far from hip, HOOORRRAAAHH
  122. cutting hair help please!
  123. Hot springs and hair?
  124. Soooo... after two years of no heat...
  125. Curled ends/70's hair PICS
  126. Faux bob
  127. First Major Milestone Reached! Pixie to Shoulder in 7 Months - Pics!
  128. How much does hair weigh?
  129. 3 Month Length Comparison
  130. ......... Onions?!
  131. Static Be Gone! Winter horror land.
  132. Trying to lie down with a ponytail
  133. Rough feeling hair.
  134. tapered ends!
  135. Updo for Job Interview - Tomorrow!
  136. Braided by a hairdresser
  137. Best hairstyles for people with fairytale hemlines?
  138. Tips on keeping ends strong?
  139. No heat curls tutorial using dish sponges
  140. Do split ends stunt hair growth?
  141. So I bought a new dinglehopper....
  142. Thinning Shears!
  143. Anyone else just not get split ends?
  144. Oils for blondes
  145. Where is your favorite Place to S&D?
  146. I know it's a cartoon and all...
  147. Can’t wear buns
  148. Is this breakage? will oiling\CO solve it?
  149. Oh hi... I've smashed waist. Yay
  150. Thickness and body thanks to LHC!
  151. Who says hair forks don't work with short hair? (small victory)
  152. Buns that make your hair look bigger? Help me fineys!
  153. Straightening hair without damaging it too much?
  154. How to view your "statistics" now in your profile?
  155. Can Oiling Roots Cause Hair Fall???
  156. Is this growth?
  157. To cut or not to cut: that is the question...
  158. Hair ties left on wrist cuts off circulation??
  159. Sleep cap logistics- help?
  160. Need a short vintage hairstyle suggestion!
  161. Put your hair photos here 'cos you really want to....
  162. Hair Taping in Ancient Rome (or, That's No Wig, Mr. Archaeologist)
  163. New Heatless Curls!
  164. February 2013 Measure In
  165. Reached my goal length! yay!
  166. Growing out Perm...HELP!!!
  167. 2 years!
  168. Grecian up-do for super long hair~ pictures!
  169. So I tried Feye's self trimming method...
  170. Feel the urge to cut my hair :(
  171. One of my braids [pics]
  172. Checking in
  173. want some help
  174. Best buns for serious taper
  175. If SMTs dry out my hair, how can I get my moisture fix?
  176. Evening Primrose Oil?
  177. BSL to Waist to Hip to Annoying....
  178. Frizz -- at my wit's end
  179. Hair styles/toys for men.
  180. Is my mother right? Help
  181. Am I at waist?
  182. The most awesome heart braid I have ever seen
  183. Figured out pics
  184. Visual hair-typing chart by numbers
  185. Anyone else's hair this mismatched?
  186. Is it possible my hair doesn't like product?
  187. Up-Do Beginner needs help
  188. Hair Inspiration and BBQ
  189. Teas/Rinses Help Please
  190. How many more inches til hip?
  191. Hairstylist told me I would never be able to grow my hair to my hips...
  192. I'm a dude trying to grow long hair, need some advice here
  193. A Year of growth... more or less.
  194. split end prevention
  195. So its back to henna i go (pics)
  196. Advice for bleach damaged hair
  197. Hairstyle archaeologist
  198. Wall Street Journal on historical hairstyles (!!)
  199. My hair is green! Help!
  200. The pool: "I'm scared, y'all."
  201. Hair typing take 2 (photo heavy!)
  202. Prone to buildup?
  203. What hair type am I? (Finally at waist too!)
  204. Humira, Methotrexate, Embrel and hair loss Any ideas.
  205. Question for people with seborrhoeic dermatitis...
  206. What length is your forehead/hairline?
  207. Ancient Japanese Hairstyles videos
  208. Almost waist finally! Remember me?
  209. Tried egg-white curl experiment!!!
  210. Been washing and double conditioning... Thoughts?
  211. Considering a teensy side fringe
  212. My first Dutch braid.
  213. Mother suddenly unsupportive of my hair care routine--is there any science on WO?
  214. Long hair is not working out for me, please help!!!
  215. Hair for twins, cutting tomorrow, suggestions?
  216. I want to thank LHC
  217. Henna and Hair Dye
  218. Searching for 100% Natural Products. HELP!
  219. Questions about S&D
  220. Have you ever changed your hair goal?
  221. Where do you wash your hair?
  222. Desert Essence Coconut Shampoo
  223. Benign Neglect....good for hair ?
  224. Hair that doesn't tangle..
  225. Hair & your body shape
  226. 2 years Growing! Pixie to BSL!
  227. Hair in your laundry... and vacuum... and shower... and everywhere
  228. Griveing my DD's hair :(
  229. Am I being unreasonable?
  230. One year of growth
  231. To trim to one length, or not?
  232. How do you oil your hair?
  233. DD's dreaded dreadlocks
  234. My so made me a hair fork!!!! (Pics)
  235. Advice for a young long-hair on annoying attention?
  236. Beer for hair growth - Official Thread
  237. Trying new product for thickening hair
  238. 9 yr old Granddaughters first braided bun
  239. Hair conditioner and body lotion in one product
  240. It's been forever since I posted
  241. Breathing a huge sigh of relief! (Pic heavy)
  242. Am I just expecting too much of my hair?
  243. Rosemary and prenatal vitamins for faster hair growth! Really?
  244. Does anyone know where to buy the following?
  245. Question about moisturizing and curls?
  246. My 1st year on LHC is up! (extremely pic heavy)
  247. Quick progress update! (2 Yrs)
  248. Hair dysmorphia?
  249. How do you measure pony tail thickness?
  250. Gentlemen... Start your postings!