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  1. Happy new year, happy new member! :D
  2. A Re-Introduction
  3. Questions about forum access!
  4. Hello from Canada :)
  5. New journey to long healthy hair!
  6. Telogen Effluvium Regrowth
  7. Greetings from a longtime lurker
  8. Hi! Been lurking but I'm attempting to be more involved
  9. Curses on Corvana!
  10. Newbie saying hello!
  11. Hello, another new person here.
  12. Hello Everyone
  13. Hi from a neglectful hip-length longhair
  14. Hi from california
  15. How to Take Care of Hair Naturally?
  16. Warm Greetings
  17. Hello!
  18. Hi!
  19. I'm new and need a little help!
  20. Hair that won’t grow past a certain length
  21. Greetings !
  22. Hello again
  23. Hello LHC!
  24. Waving Hi!
  25. Newbie with thick hair
  26. Lurker coming out of the shadows...
  27. Starting my hair journey from a shaved head!
  28. Hey, :)
  29. Hullo!
  30. Hey there!
  31. Another newbie!
  32. Hello people!
  33. how can i fade hairdye without damage?
  34. How do I go from bleached hendigo green hair to platinum blonde?
  35. Hola
  36. Hiya
  37. Hello friends! I HAVE RETURNED
  38. hello!
  39. Hi!!!
  40. Hello everyone! I'm Anna :)
  41. Hi Everyone!
  42. Hello. I'm Meg!
  43. Hii everyone..
  44. Hello from UK!
  45. Moisture vs protein treatments :/
  46. Anemia hair loss...Please help!
  47. 4 more inches to go!
  48. Hello! Second Generation in LHC
  49. Hello from The Whitsundays
  50. Newbie with hair typing photo
  51. A Newbie Starting Fresh
  52. Greetings
  53. I'm confused?
  54. Hello from Accidental Super Longhair
  55. Hello! Lisa Here!
  56. Hello
  57. Newish
  58. Hello from Hungary!
  59. Hello from purple!
  60. Hiya!
  61. Hi
  62. Solgave joining! Need help classifying hair.
  63. Hello everyone, my name is Rebecca...
  64. Old hair, new community!
  65. Hello 😀
  66. Hello Long Hair Community!
  67. Hello. I'm Michelle from Ohio.
  68. Greetings from a very active newbie
  69. Shorty hair here w pics
  70. Hello from Russia!
  71. Hello! Curly Length Question?
  72. Hair Typing Help please!!!
  73. An aspiring viking (...from America, but yanno)
  74. Hello from Finland!
  75. Need help to make a journal
  76. Hello from Viet Nam!
  77. Hi HLC! newbie following her WL dreams!
  78. Hello!
  79. Hello from South Africa!
  80. UK long hair
  81. Hello
  82. Hi from a former lurker!
  83. Hello everyone! 😊
  84. Hip Length, Fine, Thick-ish, Dry and Color Treated.
  85. Captcha for new registrants now working
  86. Hello from Germany :)
  87. Hi from Finland
  88. Hi, trying to grow my hair from South Africa!
  89. Type 2b/c hair questions!
  90. 2B/2C friends? Any length!
  91. Please HELP! Hair typing!
  92. Help with the 25+ permissions
  93. Returning member!
  94. 3A/3B on a serious hair journey
  95. Keep getting logged out before I can finish my message
  96. Re-introducing myself :)
  97. Hi
  98. Hello!
  99. I’m Back!!!
  100. Newbie! 💖 Advice welcome!! 💖
  101. Hair colour - help
  102. Hi! I'm new :)
  103. Thanks for having me!
  104. Hello from Tn
  105. A sad noodle has arrived
  106. Re-Introduction: The Dreaded Razor
  107. Hi guys! Im new and need some help <3
  108. Hi all!
  109. Growing out and actually taking care of it this time
  110. I’ve been spotted in the wild!
  111. forked tongues and my will o' the wisp
  112. New Here and New Questions!
  113. New and ready to grow!
  114. ♡ Another new girl here! ♡
  115. Hello everyone! Let's grow together
  116. Hello all
  117. Still New and Some Questions about Regimens
  118. Hi!
  119. Hemlines for wavy/ whurly / curlies
  120. Hello!
  121. My first post on my hair journey to classic length
  122. Want to be longer
  123. Hello hello from yet another newbie c:
  124. Growing out again- the right way!
  125. reintroduction
  126. Proper Haircare Newbie
  127. Hair breakage problem
  128. mid length to waist length..?
  129. New here from Scotland
  130. just another newbie noob!
  131. My "Hi" post
  132. Need help/ new member
  133. One more hello
  134. Hello -- from SEAsia!
  135. Long time lurker :)
  136. So the journey begins...
  137. After 7 years lurking I made an account!
  138. Hello all!
  139. growing out bleach 😒
  140. Hair typing question
  141. starting a no dye challenge ( long Story )
  142. New to group, looking for info
  143. Hi everyone
  144. Hello from a (sort of) newbie!
  145. Brand new, looking for advice
  146. Forum newbie with long hair here! Brief(ish) current hair info
  147. Point me in the right direction?
  148. yay i made an account
  149. Hii, new and grateful that the l.h.c exists
  150. Guy growing out hair 13-02-18 bald
  151. hi I'm new
  152. Introducing Myself :)
  153. Long time lurker, first time poster!
  154. Introduction
  155. Long time lurker; ready for some healthy changes!
  156. Finding me
  157. Grey ghost lurking no more
  158. Growing my hair back out! :D
  159. Growing hair
  160. Black and White Piedra
  161. What's that hemline?
  162. Sorry, not new but I really need help.
  163. I’m ready to get serious
  164. Making the step from lurker to newbie.
  165. Hello from a lurker!
  166. Hello, new here. Help with damaged hair care routine?
  167. Hi!
  168. Shy lurker —-> silent newbie —-> ready to join the discussion!
  169. Hi
  170. New here!
  171. Help with henna!
  172. HEY THERE! (an introduction)
  173. Hey! Very short haired newbie :)
  174. Racheled against my will
  175. Hair fall
  176. Posting photos?
  177. Hello, again LHC!
  178. Hair loss
  179. Profile
  180. What were your early signs of Psoriatic Arthritis?
  181. Long hair men
  182. Introduction. Chin-length newbie
  183. Hi everyone~
  184. Picture problems
  185. Oh hey!
  186. Bleached damage hair
  187. Poorly managed tailbone length newbie
  188. Hello!
  189. New short haired girl but I want my hair to be long again.
  190. Waist length newbie
  191. Lurker no longer
  192. I am returning...
  193. Hair typing please
  194. Fist time here !
  195. *Major Advice Needed*
  196. Houston curly girls and guys help!!
  197. Question about permission
  198. Hi from a Norsewoman
  199. New and need advice
  200. introduction post
  201. Howdy!
  202. Hair typing
  203. Growing to thigh lengrh
  204. Tagging people instead of quoting their reply
  205. New Old Member
  206. Hello
  207. FINALLY embracing my natural hair!
  208. New to the Board! Waist length dyed hair - Keeping It Healthy
  209. What’s your hair care routine in between washes?
  210. Finally Joining!
  211. Hello! :)
  212. Back after a few years' break, growing out to waist length
  213. Hey guys!
  214. New to LHC with bleach blonde APL hair!
  215. Tips
  216. Hi all :)
  217. Hello! Any fellow Curlies
  218. I’m new!
  219. HEEEEY EVERYONE!! Brand Spanking New Henna Head Here!
  220. Dry scalp and hairfall suggestion is welcomed
  221. Hey
  222. Buenas! I'm new!
  223. Complete Newbee in need of help!
  224. Just joined after hairdresser cut my waist length hair to bsl 😭
  225. Why i did what i did!
  226. Lurking SL Newbie
  227. New to LHC
  228. Longer haired newbies?
  229. new to LHC
  230. Hi
  231. Hello there
  232. In Need of Advice for Growing Long & Healthy Hair
  233. Hi from Australia!
  234. New Member, Hello!
  235. Hi there sweethearts <3
  236. Hello, I'm new here!
  237. New!
  238. Hello!
  239. Hi!
  240. hello!~
  241. I've been lurking for years, but finally decided to become a member!
  242. Hi gals!
  243. Back after a break!
  244. Here to commit to goals for 2019!
  245. Hi! New here and new to hair care
  246. Hello All, here's my short story 🙂☺️
  247. Hi hairy mermaids
  248. Hello :)
  249. Growing longer 🙆
  250. Little help?