View Full Version : Swap Board
- My Old Swap Thread
- Southern US Swap Box Journal
- Eastern US Swap Box Journal
- Tort & Rhinestone Comb for Sale
- Maiden's Treasures Gold Moon Hair Sticks - GONE
- Western US Swap Box
- Western US Swap Box Journal
- Quattro fork, CV Herb Garden shampoo bar
- Hairtoys for sale
- medium ficcare swap for large one?
- Sale! Mamacat, Senzalimiti, Hairsense, Quattro,...
- hair books for sale
- Quattro, GlebeGirl, crystal for sale
- Chopped my hair--Lots of hairtoys have to go now! Blondiesturn, Monks, Cattails PICS
- I need Garnier Fructis long and strong leave in
- Ficcarissimo & sticks for sale
- Spring cleaning from TBB
- UK Phyto dandruff shampoo force 1 & 2 - GONE
- Burt's Bees S&C for swap
- Cleaned out the hair toys - again!
- Graydog & Flexi-8 For Sale
- BPAL Hamadryad to sell or swap
- Blondiesturn, more Quattro
- Spring into Life Sale!
- Spring Cleaning
- Canadian Swap Box Info
- Hair toys! Scroos and Hairfork!
- Housecleaning...Hippie Style :D - GONE
- Blondiesturn, France Luxe, Monk, Mei Fa + more
- 2 Handmade Kittee Sticks for your 3prong Fork.
- White Painted Bone Sticks w/ Red Topper
- Shampoo bars, hairtoys!
- Wireback Barrettes on SALE
- Spring Cleaning
- some of my treasures...
- Anyone want to sell a Buff they don't use? - FOUND
- ISO Bunjii - FOUND
- two free Prairieland Herbs shampoo bar samples
- RAOK - free stuff brought over from TBB
- Moonchaser's sweet success oil w/ cayenne - GONE
- Mamacat, Graydog, Monk & more! - GONE
- Wanted: Shampoo bars
- Worldwide: Snoods, Ficcare, Quattro & lots of fun stuff!
- mane n tail shampoo and conditioner
- For sale: Fakkare, goodie, Greydog, sticks, france luxe.
- Big Bunch of BPAL for Sale!
- Gold Lotus Maximas Ficcare for Swap/Sale (small)
- Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time Sale!
- ISO Hair Herbs/EOs
- Spring -is- in the air!
- My Hair is Even Shorter Sale.....
- Amish Pins - GONE
- Meager Offerings
- Shampoo Bars
- Added Combs to Good Idea at the Time...
- Blondiesturn, DeRenaudin, France Luxe, Ketylo, & more!
- 2 antique Celluloid Tortoise combs - GONE
- Ron Quattro, Graydog and 60th St. Productions for Sale (potential swap)
- Lothlorien Leaves Hair Sticks and one with an Octopus
- The little bit of everything sale
- Neglected toys wants new homes.
- Satin jumbo scarf for sale or trade..
- Ficcare Maxima for sale - GONE
- fuzzy elastics? Does anyone want 'em?
- Selling a few things!
- ISO...BaNaNa Clips!
- MonktheMonk, Scroos, Hairfork
- Wanted: Auto Hair Twister
- Blondiesturn fork (swap only, worldwide)
- 60thSt, Flexi8, forks, slide, misc (worldwide)
- Sticks, Manor Hall, Jason, Alba, BPAL
- Graydog, Ficcare, France Luxe, jimfo, WoodbyC, misc (worldwide)
- ISO Microheat Cap
- Quattro & GlebeGirl - sell or swap
- Sticks and clips for sale!
- France Luxe, Mei Fa, Flexi-8, misc.
- Paging UK LHC-ers......or anyone with a swap box
- Worldwide: 2 Baerreis sticks & one metal slide
- Monkthemonk hair stick for sale or swap. - GONE
- ISO barrette sets
- Etta Mae Forks for sale
- sadly swapping a large honey marble dolphin. - GONE
- ISO: Ketylo Red Aquapearl
- ISO leopard Ficcare
- ISO: Braces rubber bands
- ISO: BPAL IMPs White Rabbit, Crossroads and La Petite Mort
- Mei Fa sticks for sale or swap
- Papadonh, Ketylo & Amadlife Hair Sticks - GONE
- Ficcare swap
- Remaining Hair Toy Sale Consolidation
- Graydogs, MtM fork, NightBlooming stick, Flexi-8, vintage forks, sale/swap!
- Large Flexi needs to swap to new home - GONE
- Custom-Length Baerreis "Penny" for Sale or Trade - GONE
- Medium Pink Ficcare For Sale - GONE
- Super Ficcare for Sale
- 60th Street, Etta Mae, Flexi-8 - GONE
- Snood, barrette, various sticks for sale
- Large Ficcare Border Maximas - GONE
- There is a Ficcare hiding under this link..
- Etta Mae Tulipwood 5.5"/6 Prong Fork UK, Worldwide - GONE
- Large Lotus Ficcare for swap - CANCELLED
- Graydog, Blondiesturn, Quattro, Ficcare, etc.
- Baerreis "Moderne" Fork
- ISO: Ficcare Maxima Medium Baby Blue with Silver Back - FOUND
- MtM Fork for SWAP ONLY
- New Buff for swap
- seeking BPAL samples!
- Hair sticks
- Captain Jack Sparrow & Quattro
- Flexi-8s and other stuff
- Scunci Criss Crosser for swap-worldwide
- Quecraft dragon and 3-prong fork for swap
- 60th St, Jimfo, Blondiesturn, Baerreis and more
- Wanted to buy or swap: Dymondwood fork with subdued colors
- Forks, Sticks, & Oil For Sale
- Shea Butter
- ISO: Ficcare to buy
- Medium Ficcare Signature Clip for swap
- slides and sticks for swap
- For Swap Three Prong Etta Mae Hair Fork
- CV, barreis, mei fa, oils & herbs
- Ficcare, Baerreis, Flexi8 for Swap
- Looking to buy. (medium maximus)
- ISO Ficcare Maxima 3tone blue with aqua stones
- Items for swap.
- 2 Bunjiis - SOLD
- A few odd sticks and forks to swap - GONE
- Morrocco Method Henna
- wanted forks and sticks
- Large Honey Marble Ficcarissimo to sell
- Indigo and ColorFix for sale/swap
- Etta Mae, Flexi-8, PLH poo bar
- In Search of: Bunji
- Flexi 8, Amish pins, Topsy Tail, French Twist comb and others
- 3 Lampwork Beaded Bunjiis
- I'm very disappointed.
- 10$ blowout sale
- Ficcare Maximas golden jade M (worldwide)
- Someone Wanted Pairs Combs/Barrettes?
- Several items for free - Germany - GONE
- Medium Matte Silver Ficcare
- BPAL imps & a bottle
- Items for sale: preferably Europe
- Superlong MtM forks for sale/swap
- For sale: Ficcare Innovation clip Border II Collection: chocolate with silver
- Etta Mae, Hippic chick (worldwide) - GONE
- brand new quecraft fork/pin
- Mei Fas, Baerris, Fork, Pins, and Imps
- Baerreis, Mamacat, Quattro (I think), etc - GONE
- Hair Toys
- "bite me" - GONE
- ISO: Quattro Stick Silver/Opal
- FS: My last & favorite pair of Cattails Hairsticks - GONE
- Graydog, WoodByC, Ficcare, and a cutie moon
- Mei Fa and Blondiesturn sticks for sale
- Desperately seeking-->Ficcare
- FREE: Original Herbal Essences Condish
- Blondiesturn, Quattro, Bronze Jewelers, Wire Jewelry
- Making May Merrier!
- "Mardi Gras" Hair Stick with Gorgeous Glass Dangles
- Scalp Massage EO mix for sale
- ISO bbb
- ISO Signature/Millennium clip
- Hairforks and vintage barrette
- Scroo and Ficcare for Crafty Celt Pin?
- Go on...make me an offer.......
- My buns are too big for this stuff!
- large ficcare and quattro fork
- Swap->Shea butter
- ISO Heike Kohler hair slides
- monoi - SOLD
- ISO France Luxe "Rio" Hair Sticks
- ISO Tospy Tail.
- Large Cobalt Ficcare Beak for Swap
- Honey marble dolphin Ficcare
- More BPAL
- Flexi-8s and VK Designs: UK only
- ISO: Ficcare dolphin?
- ISO: large ficcare maxima
- Spring cleaning -- France Luxe
- Monk, Jimfo, Quattro, Heavenly Harvest, barrettes - UK, Worldwide
- more spring cleaning -- hair sticks
- final spring cleaning - slides
- A whole ton of stuff - FL, Ficcare, JimFo, etc...
- Medium Gold Lotus Ficcare Maximus - GONE
- ISO Scratch & Dent Jade Ficcare & Silver Ficcare
- cleaning out - Quattro, CMD, Amish hairpins, etc.
- Graydog ebony stick - SOLD
- Pearlized Burgandy Ficcare and Quattro Hair Helix fork - GONE
- Stuff for swap! Insert creative Title here.
- Baerreis Forks Sale - Europe ONLY - SOLD
- Summer Hairtoy Sale :)
- Two Large, Beautiful Forks For Swap
- Quattro starlite and amish pins to swap
- ISO A small amount of bhringaraj/bhringraj powder - FOUND
- BAQ henna & cassia to swap
- Ficcare, Jimfo - worldwide
- ISO: Small pink ficcare for DD
- ISO: Hair Forks and Sticks
- 2 Ficcare Maximas - Sold
- ISO: Bunjii
- For Sale Bunjiis ,Mei Fas And More
- Hair toy clean out (pic heavy)
- Ketylo&Amadlife sale
- DeRenaudin Horn Slide - GONE
- toys
- Morgan Reed/EttaMae/RicCombmaker forks/combs - GONE
- Large Ficcare honey marble Max for swap ONLY
- ISO France Luxe 'South Seas' pattern
- Stay On Satin Pocket Bonnet #3999
- France Luxe, Willowthewisp, Etta Mae and more
- 2 CV Bars
- My Ficcare maximas for your non-maximas Ficcare
- attention Aussies
- BPAL bottles for sale
- ISO duckbill clips - FOUND
- ISO Urtekram Shampoo
- Iso: Bpal
- 60th street 5'' bloodwood two prong fork - GONE
- Chinese Bun stick for swap - GONE
- ISO: Camelia Japonica Oil.
- Hairsticks to swap for Wooden Hair Fork
- Offer: Three Barrettes for cost of postage
- for sale: Ficcare, Heike Köhler hairstick, wooden fork [GONE]
- Ficcare swap, medium for small?
- Body-art quality henna to get rid of
- Quattro, Bronze Jewelers, Ketylo, Baerris - GONE
- ISO: TAL decants
- Rosehip seed oil
- Looking for hairdini and Flexi8
- Papadonh Red/Green Dymondwood Sticks - [SOLD]
- Ebony Fork for Swap
- Summer solstice clear out: Blondiesturn, France Luxe and more
- LongLocks sticks -- Aqua Ribbons; swap - GONE
- I took too much . . . tooo much! - GONE
- hair fork "blanks" for do-it-yourselfers
- Ficcare, Graydog, WoodbyC, LHC (worldwide)
- Quattro, Graydog and 60th Street Productions forks for sale - GONE
- Slow Summer Sunday!
- Ketylo Medium Vineyard (pair) - GONE
- Large Flexi-8; hoping to swap for XL
- Swap- Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
- Topsy Turvy things wanted
- 60th Street Purplewood 2 Prong Hair Fork Sell Or Swap - SOLD
- Idea hair stick
- ISO Quattro Pig Tail sticks
- Frau Koehler, Monk & Etta Mae - GONE
- Glass, Sharky and Harley hair sticks - GONE
- Swap
- QUATTRO Elegant Knot-Top Bronze Fork UK, worldwide - GONE
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