January 17th, 2012 until December 30th, 2030
salt & paprica
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January 13th, 2012 until January 3rd, 2031
salt & paprica
Index to Important Threads and Resources
Contact us:
Email the LHC Mod Team
TLHC Rules:
Forum Rules/Terms of Service (ToS)
KNIT Guidelines for post content
User Permissions - profile & album picture access - this answers all of your "Why Can't I. . ." questions
Information about swapping, selling and advertising on TLHC
Useful Stuff for Newbies:
On Posting Pictures - Hotlinking with IMG Tags, Copyright Issues, and Street Shots
How to post a picture into a thread
How to quote multiple posts in the same thread
Common website issues, how-to
Formatting using BBCode
Ursula's Standard Newbie Advice
Glossary of LHC Terms and Abbreviations
Visual Hairtyping Guide
Hairtyping Discussion Thread (need help determining your type, post pictures here)
Newbie Questions Thread
Where do I find [x]? (products, ingredients, silk pillowcases, etc.)
Where to buy common LHC supplies the cheapest
Fantastic off-site links
Feye's Self Trim Instructions
The Hair Style Dictionary
How To Measure Strand Thickness
Washing Methods
CO Washing
CWC Washing
Shampoo Bar Washing
Water-only washing
Common Questions
How to wear hair when you exercise/work out/run?
Exercising and hair washing
How to take good hair pictures by yourself
Warm head coverings and Big Buns - What to do? - The Winter Hat Thread
Why have long hair if it is always hidden?
Length-specific and Milestone Threads
A whole sub-forum! Pick the thread that fits your progress/goal/question.
Texture-specific Threads
Straight and Silky
Wavy and Wurly
Wurly and Curly
Curly 3s
Kinky 4s
2a F
2a Sausage Ringlets
Fine and Thin Hair
Fine and Thick Hair
Thick Hair
Coarse Hair
What happens when curlies brush their hair.
Clubs, Colors, and Challenges
Wear hair up challenge
Microtrimming and Maintaining
Gentlemen... Start your postings!
Growing to Terminal Length
Growing Out Layers
Growing Out Bleach/Dye
Bottle Blonde Grows Long (growing and keeping up the bleach!)
Wear all your hairtoys once
Longhaired and Disabled
Hairloss Support
The Salt & Pepper Thread
Black Hair
Dark Hair Thread
Ash Brown
Brunettes Unite!
Auburn Pride
The Red Thread
The Tawny Support Group
Blondette Pride
Blond Tips & Tricks
Colorful Longhairs
Seasonal Growth Project
ABC Hairstyle Challenge
Undercuts and Side Shaves
Styling & Inspiration
LHC Hairstyle ThesaurusThe braid picture thread
The bun picture thread
The hair video thread
Text-based styling instructions, for the visually impaired
Bun Instructions and Troubleshooting
Who is your hair idol?
What inspired long hair for you?
Who is your LHC hair twin?
Other Photo Threads
Put your hair photos here 'cos you really want to....
Before and after - one year of hair growth. Show us your photos!
The action shots thread : post your hair in movement and enjoy a piece of hair fun!
Hair-Trimming Techniques
Feye's Self Trim Instructions
Spidermom's straight book trim
Compact cut for layers
Cheese history here
If you have suggestions for threads that should be added or encounter a broken link, please let us know here.
August 9th, 2008 until December 30th, 2030
Standards for Writing
To those whom it concerns:
This is a reminder that according to the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service (item #4 ) proper/standard English is expected in posts and articles here at TLHC. Chat/text-speak and lolcat-speak are difficult to read and are not allowed. This rule is in force to maintain the high quality discussion that we strive for at TLHC.
Please do your fellow members the courtesy of using standard capitalization and punctuation, just as students learn in English language classes in school. It makes reading posts much easier, and people are more likely to respond to your post. Also, many members are not native speakers of English, so it helps to have standard English like they would find in a dictionary.
If you use your cell phone or other electronic device to post, then switch to T9 (or similar) text typing and make your writing style conform to standard, proper English. Standard proper English usage requires using capitalization at the beginning of sentences, capitalizing proper nouns, using correct ending and transitional punctuation, spelling out words ("great" not "gr8", "you are" not "u r" ). This is a sampling of the standards of writing we expect.
However, if English is your second language or you have disabilities, do not fear. You are not the ones causing concern, and we thank you for your efforts. Just do your best.
Thank you all for taking heed. For the record, harsher measures will follow for members who persist in using chat/text-speak.