Hello! I've been browsing these forums for quite a while, and have really learned a lot. So, I've decided to make an account.
For the past month, I've been swimming nearly every day in a chlorine swimming pool. I wash with a Lush shampoo bar, and use Outrageous conditioner (I hate it, but I'm determined to use it up). I get a TON of breakage, and my hair is oily and dry at the same time.

Swim caps unfortunately do not stay put (the latex ones, anyway) and ponytails end up ripping at my hair. The end is past hip, but the bulk of it is at bsl-waist (crazy v-slope in hair that is being grown out) and ponytails just don't cut it anymore.

Does anyone have a particular style, or product they use to keep hair nice? My hair grows very slowly, so this breakage is very frustrating. I thought that the LHC would be the best place for advice.

Thank you, Smoogle : )