Man, I wish I had some pictures of my hilarious bun-nubs from when I was growing my hair out from very short. Since I had to have a bun in uniform but had way too many layers for a bun to be practical, about half my hair ended up held back by bobby pins; the rest was in a quarter-sized thing-that-resembled-a-bun. It was pretty bad.

However, I'll try to take a picture of my braid tomorrow. It's a pretty little one and, because I'm still growing out bangs, has some ridiculous taper.

Also, does anyone else with thin hair find French braids just "not worth it"? Mine are just hard to tell that they're French braided, and though I do know some of that can be put down to color, it's also because they just don't get defined, if that makes any sense.

Quote Originally Posted by Tawnylioness View Post
And please tell me im not the only one, who when making a cinnabun somehow makes it all compressed into an ittybitty beebutt bun
.... I always thought I was just inept. Do cinnabuns tend to turn more bee-butt-y in thinner hair?