I received the argan oil today that I ordered from Amazon! I've only used it on my ends so far but it feels wonderful! I put some on my elbows to see how that goes before trying it on my face.

My cat approves too. Curious that she is, she had to come check out what I was doing. I let her smell the oil on my fingers and she was entranced, then she started purring, then licking it. Will have to guard my hair or she'll be licking that too.

I got Slice Of Nature Virgin 100% Pure Argan Oil in the 100ml size for $28. The ingredients list is just argan oil. They also have a 50ml size with a spritzer top for $22. I got the larger size since it's twice as much for just $6 more and with Prime it's free shipping.

Need to wash my hair in the morning for work so tonight I'll do an oiling before braiding. Can't wait to see how it works!