Hey guys,

Those of you who have gotten acquainted with me know how much I have dyed my hair. The problem with box hair dye in any color for me is that the result is not even. Some parts are dark, some are light in illogical places. Though it doesn't show up in pictures the unevenness is there. Even a friend commented on the strange shading.

Anyway, I'm done dyeing it myself and decided to go to a professional salon to get it right once and for all. I had a consultation today and I told them I wanted to get back to my natural hair color (for as much as that can be done), which is a dark ash blonde. And get a trim while I'm at it. They specialize in hair dyeing and the woman who is going to do it happens to love long hair so she assured me she isn't going to cut off too much. I really hope that after this is done I can finally let the roots grow and make some good progress without dyeing my hair!

Still, I haven't been to a salon in 3 years so I'm feeling a bit anxious about the whole thing.

Anyone else get their hair done at a salon?

P.s. I will post pictures after I get it done on monday 27th.