My honey has beautiful curls that stretched are almost to his waist, but that are dry and needing some TLC. He tried CO washing and felt his hair wasn't getting clean enough so he's back to SLS shampoo and conditioner. I've offered to do a coconut milk soak on it when I do mine, or at the very least to oil it for him and he's always declined, citing manly man excuses.

Well, the other day his wet hair was escaping his loose ponytail and he asked me to fix it. Quick like a bunny I grabbed my camellia oil and lightly oiled it before fixing the ponytail. "I KNOW what you are doing." I told him I knew that and pointed out that it'll help control the frizz he hates. I think he was afraid it would look greasy but he was pleased with the result. Is he converted yet? Nope, but he's at least willing to let me do little pampering treatments here and there. Its a start! I totally adore his curls, and if they get moisturized...wowza!