Rant -

I just spent 2 hours on Facebook with an acquaintance (who used to own a styling salon) explaining to him that I would not look good with short hair and that I wouldn't like the maintenance of it either. He wants me to grow my hair really long so that he can then cut it really short, like pixie short.

Why is it that some stylists are so adamant about cutting your hair short, even when you tell them all the reasons why it wouldn't work for you? (Caveat: I did have really short hair at one time in my life. Loved it at the time, hated the maintenance and the growing out process.)

He seemed to think that me letting him cut my hair really short would free me, and be some sort of transformative process for me. I couldn't convince him that it would just not be 'me', and that I am perfectly happy now with my hair long. I already like myself, just the way that I am.

- End Rant.
