Congrats on deciding to grow your hair out! On the curls being a mess, sorry my hair is like that also and almost nothing will tame it. Try braiding it over night or try a rich leave in conditioner. I comb and brush my waves into submission, it stays for about 15 seconds lol. Try buns, braids and other styles, with thick, curly hair you can do so much because there is so much to work with. I use mousse in my hair to define the curls but it does build up with time, i guess you could always clarify? Remeber, wurlys and curls are fragile and need moisture and TLC whatevre the thickness. I use many deep treatments and wash my hair every 3-4 days. Use a wide tooth comb to detangle, slowly of course. Oh and enjoy, wurlys are beautiful! As for the taming, try oil, frizz is ineviatable with this hair type, but we get volume others only dream of so its fine.