Lately I have been able to stretch my "wash cycle" to every 4 or 5 days, and I have been doing CO since Oct 20. My scalp is SO happy!

However, my ends tend to feel a bit rough even 24 hours after a wash, and I only oil the night before a wash, so I'm thinking of just conditioning the ends--maybe even every day when I shower. I think I'll put on a shower cap, divide my hair and bring it over my shoulders, then wet and condition. My hope is that after a few weeks of this my ends will stay softer/moisturized longer. I often put off washing my hair because (a) it takes forever to dry, & (b) I don't want to mess with my scalp any more than necessary. So wet & condition ends could be a solution. It never really occurred to me to try this before, because I always "had" to wash my hair every 2nd or 3rd day.

(btw I am very gentle with my hair; no blowdrying or curling, & I don't even brush my hair every day. I have been using avocado oil on the ends lately, but there's been no significant improvement yet)

What is this called? If there are already threads on this, I apologize, but it's hard to search when you don't know what it's called! I have read lots & lots about everyone's hair care routine but don't recall coming across a handy phrase. Thanks!