Yes henna powders can vary in scent but to say one Jamila henna is better then the next as far as scent goes (Meaning PP henna) is not the case between that manufacturer.

The scents mostly vary by country. Moroccan has the most unique smell, to me at least.

I for one do get headaches while doing henna, AT TIMES, not always but I know exactly what you are saying.

When you have a LOT of hair and it's wrapped up, it is a sure reason to give you a bad headache. Be careful it doesn't turn into a migraine. That's what possibly happens (to me).

Second, when it's the scent, and I hate the scent of some herbs, they really make me feel sick, and have a huge headache (and especially those henna cones out of the stores with additives and preservatives in them), we mask them with essential oil. Usually one that you like. For me it has to be something light and refreshing, so I got for the sweet orange oil. Some might disagree with citrus in the hair, but well it doesn't hurt me and hubby and the benefits outweighes the risks of the citrus and light exposure for us.

Citrus is something I use a lot while cleaning too. It makes me feel so invigorated and its not expensive.

So just be careful and take precautions. I sleep with my henna most of the time, so as to avoid those headaches of heavy hair and mud.