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Thread: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

  1. #11
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by twilight View Post

    and since i didn't technically "deep condition" with it--only 15-20 minutes--this will be an experiment on a slight variation of the idea
    For maximum benefits from catnip, the longer conditioning time for me was/is important. It initially started out as more time for the colour to take but I discovered that I got much better conditioning too.

    If this works out, and you can use catnip alone to wash your hair in between, it means that deep conditioning, would only be required once a week, unless catnip can replace conventional shampoo or whatever you do wash with.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    i read about your experimentation with various times and i will definitely try a true 'deep treatment' next time i have a spare hour or so.

    as it is i was blown away even by a few minutes, so i'm excited to see what happens with continuing use.
    i wish i had used olaplex BEFORE i bleached. sigh.

    ...henna will be my friend again someday

  3. #13
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by twilight View Post
    i read about your experimentation with various times and i will definitely try a true 'deep treatment' next time i have a spare hour or so.

    as it is i was blown away even by a few minutes, so i'm excited to see what happens with continuing use.
    I look forward to reading about how it goes for you and will stay tuned to this thread! Good luck.

    I have not had a downside with catnip in almost 4 years of using it, only results that were less stellar than others.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    catnip update!

    last night i tried catnip as a self-contained CO (no prep treatments but hair needed a wash), left on for 5-7 minutes. it didn't really clean my hair and it seemed to leave a little bit of residue. bummer.

    this morning i used it as a final rinse after washing (shampoo bar + acv rinse) and left it on about 5 minutes. my hair feels silkier than usual and it's pretty shiny.

    catnip conclusions:

    as a CO -

    as a rinse -

    as a semi-deep treatment (15 minutes w/ plastic) -

    as a ktani-style deep treatment (1 hour or more w/ plastic) - TBD ??

    i can't say for sure whether this has anything to do with catnip--i am pregnant so it's easily attributable to that fact--but my hair seems to be shedding SIGNIFICANTLY less since i did the catnip treatment on saturday night. throughout this pregnancy i have been shedding the same as always (no super-thickness for me) but all of a sudden it has slowed down dramatically.

    could it be the catnip, or just changing hormones? i guess we'll find out over time.
    i wish i had used olaplex BEFORE i bleached. sigh.

    ...henna will be my friend again someday

  5. #15
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by twilight View Post
    catnip update!

    last night i tried catnip as a self-contained CO (no prep treatments but hair needed a wash), left on for 5-7 minutes. it didn't really clean my hair and it seemed to leave a little bit of residue. bummer.

    this morning i used it as a final rinse after washing (shampoo bar + acv rinse) and left it on about 5 minutes. my hair feels silkier than usual and it's pretty shiny.

    catnip conclusions:

    as a CO -

    as a rinse -

    as a semi-deep treatment (15 minutes w/ plastic) -

    as a ktani-style deep treatment (1 hour or more w/ plastic) - TBD ??

    i can't say for sure whether this has anything to do with catnip--i am pregnant so it's easily attributable to that fact--but my hair seems to be shedding SIGNIFICANTLY less since i did the catnip treatment on saturday night. throughout this pregnancy i have been shedding the same as always (no super-thickness for me) but all of a sudden it has slowed down dramatically.

    could it be the catnip, or just changing hormones? i guess we'll find out over time.
    I have posted in the catnip thread a few times about this and I posted about this in the cautions thread.

    Catnip is contraindicated during pregnancy. I suggest that you put off more experimenting, however pleased you are, until after the baby is born.

    In terms of washing/conditioning natural products, catnip and soapnuts should not be used during pregnancy, IMO. Both could be problematic and someone who is pregnant reported problems using soapnuts.

    Here is the updated Health Canada profile on catnip.
    "Contraindication(s): Do not use if you are pregnant (Brinker 2001; McGuffin et al. 1997)."
    Last edited by ktani; February 3rd, 2009 at 08:10 AM. Reason: added link and text

  6. #16
    Member twilight's Avatar
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by ktani View Post
    I have posted in the catnip thread a few times about this.

    Catnip is contraindicated during pregnancy. I suggest that you put off more experimenting, however pleased you are, until after the baby is born.

    Both catnip and soapnuts should not be used during pregnancy, IMO. Both could be prolematic and someone who is pregnant reported problems using soapnuts.

    Here is the updated Health Canada profile.
    i had not heard that before. i just did some research myself and it looks like the internal use of catnip during pregnancy is discouraged by some, but actually encouraged by others... Susun Weed (herbalist queen of midwifery) offers that for women who miscarry easily:
    "Mints - such as basil, catnip, rosemary, thyme, savory, peppermint, oregano, ground ivy, sage, and spearmint - contain essential oils that, used internally (or extracted into a tincture) may harm the kidneys and liver; the infusion, taken in large enough quantity, may stimulate uterine contractions."

    as a rule (for almost all herbs), normal culinary quantities being ingested are not a problem; it is concentrated medicinal doses which are to be avoided. but i hope everyone does her own research before making decisions like that.

    i haven't found anything mentioning a prohibition on the external use of a relatively-weak infusion of catnip, but of course: better safe than sorry. i'll hold off until the little one is safely out of the womb.

    i'm interested in the soapnuts question too, but that is for another place and time.

    thanks for the info again.
    i wish i had used olaplex BEFORE i bleached. sigh.

    ...henna will be my friend again someday

  7. #17
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by twilight View Post
    i had not heard that before. i just did some research myself and it looks like the internal use of catnip during pregnancy is discouraged by some, but actually encouraged by others... Susun Weed (herbalist queen of midwifery) offers that for women who miscarry easily:
    "Mints - such as basil, catnip, rosemary, thyme, savory, peppermint, oregano, ground ivy, sage, and spearmint - contain essential oils that, used internally (or extracted into a tincture) may harm the kidneys and liver; the infusion, taken in large enough quantity, may stimulate uterine contractions."

    as a rule (for almost all herbs), normal culinary quantities being ingested are not a problem; it is concentrated medicinal doses which are to be avoided. but i hope everyone does her own research before making decisions like that.

    i haven't found anything mentioning a prohibition on the external use of a relatively-weak infusion of catnip, but of course: better safe than sorry. i'll hold off until the little one is safely out of the womb.

    i'm interested in the soapnuts question too, but that is for another place and time.

    thanks for the info again.
    I agree on all points. However, when it comes to pregnancy there is no such thing, IMO, as too much caution regarding such products, especially when they can easily be replaced.

    I doubt that the weak dilution you used is harmful but people here have been reporting internal adverse reaction symptoms lately, with the topical use of natural products.

    You can check with your doctor about catnip, and I recommend that, before you continue with it, if you want to continue with it, right now.

    I trust the sources I researched for catnip, and the ones both mellie and I found on soapnuts and their abortifacient properties (mellie found that specific information on soapnuts first), over other sources of information. They are very well referenced.
    Last edited by ktani; February 3rd, 2009 at 12:50 PM. Reason: clarification

  8. #18
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    i do not doubt your sources (or your expertise) at all, i'm just stubbornly independent and wanted to see it for myself.

    and i agree, there is definitely no such thing as too much caution--we are already bombarded on a daily basis with countless nasties over which we have no control, so why introduce "probably safe" chemicals/herbs/whatever on top of that?! not the brightest idea imo, either.

    i appreciate you opening my eyes to questioning the herbs i use (even externally).
    i wish i had used olaplex BEFORE i bleached. sigh.

    ...henna will be my friend again someday

  9. #19
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by twilight View Post
    i do not doubt your sources (or your expertise) at all, i'm just stubbornly independent and wanted to see it for myself.

    and i agree, there is definitely no such thing as too much caution--we are already bombarded on a daily basis with countless nasties over which we have no control, so why introduce "probably safe" chemicals/herbs/whatever on top of that?! not the brightest idea imo, either.

    i appreciate you opening my eyes to questioning the herbs i use (even externally).
    I am very glad to hear that because I feel exactly the same way. I want to see and know for myself. I always post sources so people can determine these things for themselves and read further. I do not want or expect anyone to just accept what I post without looking at the information and determining whether it is valid, or doing research on their own.

    Catnip at, 2009
    Documented adverse effects (emmenagogue and abortifacient effects). Catnip is contraindicated in pregnancy because of its uterine stimulant activities and may be contraindicated in certain other gynecological conditions because it could lead to excessive menstrual bleeding."

    And you are most welcome.
    Last edited by ktani; February 3rd, 2009 at 11:58 AM. Reason: grammar

  10. #20
    Member scalawaggirl's Avatar
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    Default Re: clarifying+catnip=happy hair sunday

    I'm going to post on the lengthy catnip thread but just popped in here to let you both know that I have done a 1+ hour deep treatment à la ktani's method (catnip tea applied to damp - not at all dripping - hair, bagged it and then put on my heat cap.

    When I "wash" my hair, usually with CWC, I apply the catnip tea as a rinse. I've been using a no-cone conditioner only on the ends now but have mostly wanted to stay away from it due to my desire to allow the catnip tea to penetrate w/out interference.

    Seems to be working extremely well. My hair is crazy soft and so much so that it reminds me mildly of the texture of rabbit fur (a stretch, yes, but I can't pinpoint anything else that can express it properly). Since my hair is 2b/M/C/iii, this is fairly significant because it normally does not feel "soft and light" but rather course/thick with some softness, if that makes any sense! I have been in the habit of oiling w/avocado oil layered w/another oil so that helped a lot with keeping my hair in decent shape but definitely weighed down. I do not have any split ends, thankfully.

    However, w/the catnip tea, I am foregoing the oils for now as I want to give it a full chance to show benefits.

    So, I do agree w/your findings about using it as a cleanser, rinse, and semi-deep treatment. Just wanted to add that the deep one is even better.

    Length goal - 32" (waist) by July 2009

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