View Full Version : Amla, henna, and curls

November 12th, 2011, 10:05 AM
I recently started doing hendigo on my hair to get it black... it used to be 2b/2c, now I'd say it's a 1c or 2a... sometimes a 2b.

I love having my hair black, but is there any way to get the curliness back? I've read about Amla... I've tried Amla oil, and it hasn't done much. I've tried it both in the henna and alone.

When I mix up the henna, am I supposed to use amla powder or amla oil?

Also, is there any connection between the kind of henna and how much it makes you lose your curls? I used Rajasthani Twilight, and I'm thinking about using Sudina now...

November 12th, 2011, 06:13 PM
I understand most people use the powder for the henna and other herbal dye-mixes. I havent done this myself much so I dont really know how this affects the curls. I use the oil for oil treatments and in mixes for shower gels.

November 12th, 2011, 06:20 PM
Henna would affect my curls for the first week or so after using it, but then my curls would be their natural selves again. I've found that those of us who have less curly, more wavy hair need layers in order to get the curliness we desire, whereas someone with say, 3b/3c solid curl pattern wouldn't need them as much.

I have to layer my hair to have curls.