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July 7th, 2011, 04:27 PM
...open a can of pickled beets and think "Hmmmm...I bet it would be super cool to soak my hair in this! Vinegar plus awesome magenta color. Oh, yeah!" :cheese:

I didn't do it but I just might! It's very tempting.

Has anyone used pickled beet juice in their hair?

Also, have you had an "Only and LHCer would...." moment?

July 7th, 2011, 04:46 PM
...actually read the ingredients list on hair products.

July 7th, 2011, 04:53 PM
I dont think I would do it out of fear of it doing something to my hair like making it sticky or dried out.

July 7th, 2011, 04:54 PM
... bring her own comb to the hairdresser when going in for a trim. (And it was a good thing I brought it too - the hairdresser actually started trying to detangle my wet hair from the top with a brush! I put a stop to that in a hurry!) :patrol:

July 7th, 2011, 05:00 PM
watch long hair videos almost every day on youtube. I just found squiggyflop's channel today. Woot!

July 7th, 2011, 05:06 PM
Bring my own tangle teezer & my own metal free coated braid elastics to the salon just to get a french braid done. I relate!

July 7th, 2011, 05:42 PM
Have an uncanny fear of hair friction.

July 7th, 2011, 05:47 PM
Have a Christmas/Birthday wish list consisting entirely of hair toys. With maybe a few exotic oils thrown in for variety.

July 7th, 2011, 06:50 PM
Spend one evening after another in order to read the first 300 pages of a thread simply to absorb every possible bit of information on a cleaning method.

July 7th, 2011, 06:55 PM
Examine and love the few gray hairs on top of my head because they allow me to see how fast my hair is growing!

July 7th, 2011, 07:07 PM
Ask for Chagrin Valley shampoo bars for the family Christmas exchange.

My brother goes, "Let me get this straight. You want a $7 bar of soap for your present?!?!"

(But apparently I lassoed them into my way of thinking, my SIL was just telling me how they ordered a bunch of soap from there and it has done wonders for my niece's skin. Muhahaha!!! My work there is done!!)

July 7th, 2011, 08:26 PM
Have a Christmas/Birthday wish list consisting entirely of hair toys. With maybe a few exotic oils thrown in for variety.
I second this! I want so many pretty hair toys.
...be proud of not washing their hair. :p No one "on the outside" understands stretching washes! ;)

July 7th, 2011, 08:32 PM
I used to make a homemade hair dye from Beets... I'm already a red head, so it just really brightened up my color, and gave me some bitchin highlights! LOVED it!!!

July 7th, 2011, 08:38 PM
I used fresh beets, juiced, to try and get that ruby colour in my hair, it didn't dye very well, and washed out in my next wash.

July 7th, 2011, 08:44 PM
...be proud of not washing their hair. :p No one "on the outside" understands stretching washes! ;)

I know right? I'm proud of myself for going from washing every day to washing every 3 days. I hope to make it every 4 soon. lol, I know, it's our little secret! :D

July 7th, 2011, 10:10 PM
All of this:

...actually read the ingredients list on hair products.

Have an uncanny fear of hair friction.

Have a Christmas/Birthday wish list consisting entirely of hair toys. With maybe a few exotic oils thrown in for variety.

Spend one evening after another in order to read the first 300 pages of a thread simply to absorb every possible bit of information on a cleaning method.

Or anything hair related.

...be proud of not washing their hair. :p No one "on the outside" understands stretching washes! ;)

July 8th, 2011, 12:33 AM
...actually read the ingredients list on hair products.

+1 to this! :D

July 8th, 2011, 12:53 AM
...actually read the ingredients list on hair products.

I definitely felt like an outlier standing in Walgreens picking up bottle after bottle of shampoo and conditioner and scrutinizing their ingredients. Even more so when I snorted with disgust and while hastily returning them to the shelves.

Bohemian Haze
July 8th, 2011, 02:57 AM
Hehe, I can spend HOURS going through every ingredient in shampoos/conditioners in Boots. Honestly, I get attention from store security all the time. They think I'm spending a little too much time hanging around!

July 8th, 2011, 03:02 AM
... put coochie cream on their head? :P

July 8th, 2011, 03:16 AM
... feel guilty about using shampoo. Like I did today. :oops: My hair has been looking dull lately and I thought it might have some build up. I don't know. It hasn't tried yet. I hope I just didn't hurt my poor scalp too much.

July 8th, 2011, 03:21 AM
...eat penuts just for the protein it contains, and for the sake of hair...:confused:

July 8th, 2011, 03:33 AM
I did try beet juice in my hair.. It was the most beautiful magenta, while it was in.. I'd washed all out when I went for a rinse, but I'd give much for a henna giving such a cold shade of red! :p

July 8th, 2011, 05:11 AM
...actually read the ingredients list on hair products.

AND, know what most ingredients are :p

July 8th, 2011, 08:26 AM
... know how to spell para-phenylenediamide without looking it up - in order to be able to shun the stuff like the plague. :p (Knowing all about the dangers of the stuff goes without saying!:p)

July 8th, 2011, 08:42 AM
...actually read the ingredients list on hair products.

I actually read them sometimes just for fun and I search them from internet just that I don't need to decide in the store... :o Hair product nerd.

July 8th, 2011, 09:12 AM
Go to the hairdressers with a multiple-point bulletted list of instructions so I don't forget to tell her anything important!

Have a terrible hairdresser/flat iron/heat styling/backcombing phobia.

July 8th, 2011, 09:19 AM
... put coochie cream on their head? :P

Hahahahahaha! :D

July 8th, 2011, 09:24 AM
...ask my sister's boyfriend, who happens to be sitting in the living room, to take a picture of the back of my head. And make him do it over, several times...

July 8th, 2011, 09:26 AM
...be proud of not washing their hair. :p No one "on the outside" understands stretching washes! ;)

haha yes! I was just thinking the other day, "Only here would someone admit they haven't washed their hair in a week, and be congratulated." :p

July 8th, 2011, 09:38 AM
...ask my sister's boyfriend, who happens to be sitting in the living room, to take a picture of the back of my head. And make him do it over, several times...

Definately. My hubby is a photographer so I can kind of get him to do it without too much grumbling :D

July 8th, 2011, 09:47 AM
haha yes! I was just thinking the other day, "Only here would someone admit they haven't washed their hair in a week, and be congratulated." :p


My sister is always "eww grosss!" She should see what my hair would look like if I washed it every day with shampoo like she does. It would look so unhealthy.

July 8th, 2011, 09:48 AM
I used to make a homemade hair dye from Beets... I'm already a red head, so it just really brightened up my color, and gave me some bitchin highlights! LOVED it!!!
Onion peels!!
I wonder if they will give a perm red dye!!??

I use onion peels (a s#!t load of them) to dye eggs the colour of deep burgundy. I have always wondered if it would do the same for hair. It doesn't take long for colour release at all and it looks permanent.

July 8th, 2011, 10:31 AM
Nightshade did a pretty comprehensive guide of things that can be used to naturally dye hair here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=2).

July 8th, 2011, 11:10 AM
keep olive oil, honey, and three ripening avocados alongside the winerack of conditioner bottles and a Dark Cabinet of essential oils in the bathroom...

July 8th, 2011, 11:37 AM
Oh God! My S.O. was looking at all the bottles I have sitting on my dresser, Coconut oil, two kinds, olive oil, meadowfoam seed oil, plus my two conditioners. He's decided I'm carrying this a bit far. :D

July 8th, 2011, 11:44 AM
...Have more than 10 bottles of conditioner at any point in time!

My mom laughs at me. My fave brand for CO is a 1L bottle and I'll be shopping and see it and stop, think ... "I need more. I'm running low." when in all reality I still have around 7 bottles of conditioner in the closet! :D

Right now I think I only have 8...or 7...I need to go shopping...

July 8th, 2011, 11:50 AM
It's an LHC thing, don't worry, we understand you!
I was at Red Robin last night with my friends and i HAD to read the ketchup and mustard ingredients to see what good they would do to hair. I could only guess the red might help give slight color to henna heads when they are scared of losing some when they do other experiments and it MIGHT? lie the cuticle down a little due to the vinegar but there is salt in it :confused: Oh well!

Trust me, you're not the only one reading ingredients on everything you can to see if it just might work. You never know, one might be the miracle product.

July 8th, 2011, 11:53 AM
...go up and down the aisles in the grocery store wondering...."Hmm....I wonder if I can use this in my hair?"

July 8th, 2011, 12:35 PM
.....wonder if i could put my tea on my head instead of drinking it.
.....analyze the hair types of people around me and wish I could have some of them.

July 8th, 2011, 01:00 PM
... buy hair toys at the very same moment you realize that you've got your payment :rolleyes:

July 8th, 2011, 01:05 PM
... buy herself $70 worth of oils for her birthday..

July 8th, 2011, 01:17 PM
brainwash her mother to go to Sally's with her and spend $30+ on boar bristle brushes, tangle teezers, etc.

July 8th, 2011, 01:19 PM
also, only an LHCer would make a catnip/chamomile tea treatment to soak her hair in to see if she can achieve some blonde color from it. Yep, I put cat drugs and tea on my head! :p

July 8th, 2011, 08:51 PM
... organize one's activities around the time needed to dry one's hair. :D

July 8th, 2011, 08:55 PM
watch long hair videos almost every day on youtube. I just found squiggyflop's channel today. Woot!

Oooo! Link! Link! Link! Link! Link!

Puh-weeze? :D

July 8th, 2011, 09:01 PM
Here's the link for Squiggyflop's Youtube site:


July 8th, 2011, 11:28 PM
Whine and pout that the pretty silver hairs tend to hide under the canopy, rather than being pretty, sparkly and visible to everyone.

July 9th, 2011, 07:26 AM
...Find out the husband of a co-worker has an at-home woodworking business and immediately think, "OMG, be cool...how do I approach her about making hair sticks without looking totally crazy?!?!"

...Not blink an eye at spending $50 or more on a hair toy...

...Think (most) hairstylists are hair enemies...

July 9th, 2011, 07:34 AM
...Think (most) hairstylists are hair enemies...

Ditto. I was leaning that direction even before I found the LHC based on past experiences... heheh.

kamikaze hair
July 9th, 2011, 07:48 AM
spend from EIGHT HOURS entirely trying to detangle a STUCK hairbrush from their hair in order to save some remaining strands and not have to go drastic and cut any hair. unfortunately i could not get it out on my own. I had to call a friend who lives across town who looked up on the net how to try and get it out. (I had a shower at eleven thirty at night, too, so this all happened at night time) I couldn't do it myself so i had to drive HALF an hour away in morning Peak hour traffic with a HAIR BRUSH STUCK IN MY HEAD so she could help. She couldn't so we eventually had to go to the hairdressers, who was FORBIDDEN to cut my hair to get it out! She was very acommodating, i thought, and did a brilliant job of getting it out, completely mutilated the brush in order to save my hair!!!! (I KNOW, for once a hairdressing story that HAS a happy ending!) Needless to say, I will NEVER EVER EVER again use a round brush in my hair, when trying to blowfry. (i rarely blowfry to begin with anyway.)
:cheese:PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!!!! the cheese says PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 9th, 2011, 08:19 AM
:blueeek: Eight hours with a brush stuck in your hair??!? :blueeek: That makes me really glad I'm a straightie! But I am really happy the story had a happy anding, with no damage to the hair.

Also, only a LHCer would consider such a situation to be a disaster that might be compared to the Katrina hurricane!

kamikaze hair
July 9th, 2011, 08:25 AM
HAHA so true! (not that hurricane katrina is a funny thing, god not that) but yeah, not only did i spend all night trying to get it out, i spent most of the night crying the whole way through, as you would when you don't even do much to your hair to begin with and then decide "hey, you know what tomorrow i want so show up with nice lovely straight hair" only to have that happen! but all's good now. and my hair is still long, so thank god!

:cheese:PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!! the cheese says PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 9th, 2011, 08:47 AM
Spend one evening after another in order to read the first 300 pages of a thread simply to absorb every possible bit of information on a cleaning method.

I did that!

Others I do/did:

1. I count all the hair falling of my hair just to be sure was not big deal.
2. Read my vinagrette bottle, pickles, cream,spices etc ingredients in the kitchen to see if could be good for hair.
3. Start asking my DH about his "little box of essencial oils" and actually googling the names to see if I could put some drops in my coconut+shea butter mix.
4. Go out to buy hair toys when bored.
5. Make a big list of brazilian hair products to send to my friends asking them to send me - in exchange to much more expensive french perfums and make up.
6. Asking friends from Asia if they know someone coming to France to send me some oils (in exchange to some french stuff they want).
7. Spend the whole weekend (in the summer!) at home just to try for hour and hours without stop new up dos.
8. Google all the ingredients in the COs I don't know what is.
9. Google all the ingredients in all soaps/detergents/body washes/DH products that we have at home to see if can do any good.
10. Mix too heavy COs with too light COs plus a little bit of some essecial oil, plus drops of lemon juice, plus drops of coconut oil, plus protein CO to achieve the "perfect formula":D.

July 9th, 2011, 09:13 AM
Oof Kamikazie! I got one of those round brushes stuck in my hair as a kid. I have no recollection of how it was finally extracted, but I have avoided them like the plague since. Eight hours! I'm so glad it ended well.

July 9th, 2011, 09:14 AM
spend from EIGHT HOURS entirely trying to detangle a STUCK hairbrush from their hair in order to save some remaining strands and not have to go drastic and cut any hair. unfortunately i could not get it out on my own. I had to call a friend who lives across town who looked up on the net how to try and get it out. (I had a shower at eleven thirty at night, too, so this all happened at night time) I couldn't do it myself so i had to drive HALF an hour away in morning Peak hour traffic with a HAIR BRUSH STUCK IN MY HEAD so she could help. She couldn't so we eventually had to go to the hairdressers, who was FORBIDDEN to cut my hair to get it out! She was very acommodating, i thought, and did a brilliant job of getting it out, completely mutilated the brush in order to save my hair!!!! (I KNOW, for once a hairdressing story that HAS a happy ending!) Needless to say, I will NEVER EVER EVER again use a round brush in my hair, when trying to blowfry. (i rarely blowfry to begin with anyway.)
:cheese:PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!!!! the cheese says PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done, in a way :D this is exactly how I got my truly ridiculous looking bangs in elementary school :o

Chesse says PARTY!

July 9th, 2011, 09:16 AM
... buy hair toys at the very same moment you realize that you've got your payment :rolleyes:

Payday! Time to get a new condish!!! :D Oh wait, I'm in on the "use up your stash" challenge... :o

July 9th, 2011, 09:18 AM
Here's the link for Squiggyflop's Youtube site:
<link removed>

I know I MUST NOT click on this, beacuse I already decided to leave with the train that goes an hour later than the original plan - and I cannot miss that one...

Btw: I love this thread :D :D :D

July 9th, 2011, 09:19 AM
Create a topic about being stuck on a desert island with only two hair products (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=73937)? ;)

July 9th, 2011, 09:28 AM
Check every shed hair in your brush to make sure it has a follicle on the end so you can be sure it is actually from shedding as opposed to breakage. I've become a little obsessive about this recently!

Also, spend two weeks agonising over whether to buy some sticks from this site http://longhairedjewels.com/shop-hairsticks.html, decide against it because I can't really afford it, then email the seller to ask about prices for singles as opposed to pairs because that's not quite as expensive :D

July 9th, 2011, 10:01 AM
Take a quick look at my side where my SO sits at his computer to check that he's not looking at my screen and that he's busy enough so that he won't, before clicking on yet another hair album / video and risk him giving me the "gosh lady you're CRAZY, who is that AGAIN ?!" look (pretty much like :rolleyes: + :confused: + :laugh: ).
Not that he'd object really, I just don't like being the subject of his mockery :p.

July 10th, 2011, 02:22 AM
I did that!

Others I do/did:

1. I count all the hair falling of my hair just to be sure was not big deal.
2. Read my vinagrette bottle, pickles, cream,spices etc ingredients in the kitchen to see if could be good for hair.
3. Start asking my DH about his "little box of essencial oils" and actually googling the names to see if I could put some drops in my coconut+shea butter mix.
4. Go out to buy hair toys when bored.
5. Make a big list of brazilian hair products to send to my friends asking them to send me - in exchange to much more expensive french perfums and make up.
6. Asking friends from Asia if they know someone coming to France to send me some oils (in exchange to some french stuff they want).
7. Spend the whole weekend (in the summer!) at home just to try for hour and hours without stop new up dos.
8. Google all the ingredients in the COs I don't know what is.
9. Google all the ingredients in all soaps/detergents/body washes/DH products that we have at home to see if can do any good.
10. Mix too heavy COs with too light COs plus a little bit of some essecial oil, plus drops of lemon juice, plus drops of coconut oil, plus protein CO to achieve the "perfect formula":D.

Time really flies when you're experimenting with new updos. Hours just vanish. I can't even explain it.

July 10th, 2011, 03:25 AM
...would spend hours going over every single hair on their head to seek out every split end and get a panic attack if there actually where more than 3 split ends and not having any sharp scissors nearby to cut them of, thinking is the splits gonna split even more if i don't cut them off NOW!

July 10th, 2011, 03:50 AM
...ask my sister's boyfriend, who happens to be sitting in the living room, to take a picture of the back of my head. And make him do it over, several times...

Haha, I totally understand! I have more current pictures of the back of my head than any other angle :) We LHCer's are probably some of the few people who are on holiday and ask a friend to "take a picture of the back of my hair with that ___________ in the background."

haha yes! I was just thinking the other day, "Only here would someone admit they haven't washed their hair in a week, and be congratulated." :p

Yipee! I only wash my hair twice a week :D

... organize one's activities around the time needed to dry one's hair. :D


:blueeek: Eight hours with a brush stuck in your hair??!? :blueeek: That makes me really glad I'm a straightie! But I am really happy the story had a happy anding, with no damage to the hair.

Also, only a LHCer would consider such a situation to be a disaster that might be compared to the Katrina hurricane!

I understand the horror and tears~ the same thing happened to me once when I went swimming in the ocean. My hair was a wadded-up gigantic knot afterwards, with bits of coral and sand and who-knows-what. It took 12+ hours of combing...my mom, my dad, and I worked all night long trying to comb out my hair. We used every comb available to see if one would work better than the rest. We tried conditioner, oil, peanut butter (a friend recommended that to me one time), even *gasp* WD-40. Finally my mom got the scissors. I was crying too hard by that time to really notice. The next day I was so depressed and sad at the lost circumference of my braid, my mom trimmed it all back to about waist-level.

This was all in 2003, so about 8 years ago. I think I've recovered since then...but I never, ever go swimming underwater anymore!

I did that!

Others I do/did:

1. I count all the hair falling of my hair just to be sure was not big deal. Yes!
2. Read my vinagrette bottle, pickles, cream,spices etc ingredients in the kitchen to see if could be good for hair.
3. Start asking my DH about his "little box of essencial oils" and actually googling the names to see if I could put some drops in my coconut+shea butter mix.
4. Go out to buy hair toys when bored.
5. Make a big list of brazilian hair products to send to my friends asking them to send me - in exchange to much more expensive french perfums and make up. Care to exchange jeweled hair clips for French perfume? :)
6. Asking friends from Asia if they know someone coming to France to send me some oils (in exchange to some french stuff they want).
7. Spend the whole weekend (in the summer!) at home just to try for hour and hours without stop new up dos.
8. Google all the ingredients in the COs I don't know what is.
9. Google all the ingredients in all soaps/detergents/body washes/DH products that we have at home to see if can do any good.
10. Mix too heavy COs with too light COs plus a little bit of some essecial oil, plus drops of lemon juice, plus drops of coconut oil, plus protein CO to achieve the "perfect formula":D.

...would spend hours going over every single hair on their head to seek out every split end and get a panic attack if there actually where more than 3 split ends and not having any sharp scissors nearby to cut them of, thinking is the splits gonna split even more if i don't cut them off NOW!


July 10th, 2011, 03:51 AM
Damn you LHC'ers, you've already said everything I could come up with! :D

Bohemian Haze
July 10th, 2011, 06:31 AM
Heh, I once took part in a little game at a school fair, where you had to draw around shapes, staying within the lines, only using the reflection in a mirror to guide you. I was so good at it, I started to attract a little crowd! I think I was so accustomed to looking at the back of my head in a mirror while fixing my hair that I could just naturally work with the reflected picture!

July 10th, 2011, 08:32 AM
I actually read them sometimes just for fun and I search them from internet just that I don't need to decide in the store... :o Hair product nerd.

Only an LHCer would actually recheck the ingredient list everytime she stocks up just to make sure they haven't changed the formula xD

Wish I'd done that yesterday though, than I'd have noticed that I was picking up the GN3N shampoo rather than the conditioner ^^;

July 10th, 2011, 09:47 AM
Only an LHCer would actually recheck the ingredient list everytime she stocks up just to make sure they haven't changed the formula xD

This! And then cry when you run out, 2.5 years later. :(

July 10th, 2011, 09:51 AM
Complain about having to wash your hair again when you just recently did (like a week ago). lol

July 10th, 2011, 10:14 AM
Complain about having to wash your hair again when you just recently did (like a week ago). lol
THIS. I need to figure out a better way to wash my body without wetting my hair, because detangling is SUCH an ordeal. I've been guilty of becoming a touch icky before I get around to showering, since its hot and its summer, and I ride my bike to class... :whistle:

Plus my acne is flaring up on my face since my face really needs to get washed every day!! Speaking of which, do LHCers have any good tips on washing your faces without wetting your hair? What about showering without wetting your hair? I feel like a shower cap or pinning up my hair would not be adequate to keep my hair at the nape and around my forehead & ears from getting wet, especially if I'm scrubbing my face up to my forehead!!

I understand the horror and tears~ the same thing happened to me once when I went swimming in the ocean. My hair was a wadded-up gigantic knot afterwards, with bits of coral and sand and who-knows-what. It took 12+ hours of combing...my mom, my dad, and I worked all night long trying to comb out my hair. We used every comb available to see if one would work better than the rest. We tried conditioner, oil, peanut butter (a friend recommended that to me one time), even *gasp* WD-40. Finally my mom got the scissors. I was crying too hard by that time to really notice. The next day I was so depressed and sad at the lost circumference of my braid, my mom trimmed it all back to about waist-level.

This was all in 2003, so about 8 years ago. I think I've recovered since then...but I never, ever go swimming underwater anymore!

OMG! That's a long time to spend trying to detangle in vain! :( And it's sad that you don't don't go swimming underwater anymore!!! Haven't you tried braiding your hair up for swimming? or if it was braided, haven't you tried maybe coiling up the braid(s) into a bun for safe keeping? And if THAT isn't enough, how about putting all of that into a swimming cap?

July 10th, 2011, 10:17 AM
Haven't you tried braiding your hair up for swimming? or if it was braided, haven't you tried maybe coiling up the braid(s) into a bun for safe keeping? And if THAT isn't enough, how about putting all of that into a swimming cap?

Seconding this. I put my hair in a bun held with acrylic sticks at the beach and they hold just fine, even getting wet. I'm sure there's some way of securing a braided updo so that you can swim!

July 10th, 2011, 10:59 AM
I did that!

Others I do/did:

4. Go out to buy hair toys when bored.

This one. That's me. Even though the longest layer barely touches bottom of neck/top of shoulders. Umm...

July 10th, 2011, 11:32 AM
Plus my acne is flaring up on my face since my face really needs to get washed every day!! Speaking of which, do LHCers have any good tips on washing your faces without wetting your hair? What about showering without wetting your hair? I feel like a shower cap or pinning up my hair would not be adequate to keep my hair at the nape and around my forehead & ears from getting wet, especially if I'm scrubbing my face up to my forehead!!

I've had this problem too! I usually have my hair in two English braids (sitting inside the bottom of the shower cap), and put the shower cap so that it covers my ears and all the edges of the hairline. For me, having my hair in braids makes it cover my hair more effectively, without covering parts of my face that I need to wash! I think the braids weigh the shower cap down in the back, making the nape of my neck less likely to get wet. Then, if all else fails, I just wash my face in the sink when I get out of the shower! XD Hopefully this helps :)

July 10th, 2011, 12:02 PM
I've had this problem too! I usually have my hair in two English braids (sitting inside the bottom of the shower cap), and put the shower cap so that it covers my ears and all the edges of the hairline. For me, having my hair in braids makes it cover my hair more effectively, without covering parts of my face that I need to wash! I think the braids weigh the shower cap down in the back, making the nape of my neck less likely to get wet. Then, if all else fails, I just wash my face in the sink when I get out of the shower! XD Hopefully this helps :)

It would help if I had straight hair... unfortunately, braids would kill my curl.

July 10th, 2011, 12:41 PM
...have lots of pictures taken (from the back, of course, and making sure the pics show off the length to its very best advantage) and then spend hours photoshopping the hair to the length she dreams she had!

Dr. Girlfriend
July 10th, 2011, 12:49 PM
Bring my own tangle teezer & my own metal free coated braid elastics to the salon just to get a french braid done. I relate!

This. So this. :) I am known as the girl who brings her own stuff at my local salon.

July 10th, 2011, 12:59 PM
Pack a bunch of various hair toys in her purse for that "just in case" moment. For instance, yesterday ( it was super hot in SD), I was having lunch with DH & while we were waiting for our food...I whipped out my hairsticks to make a Chinese bun. My DH just rolled his eyes & told me that I play with my hair too much! LOL!

July 10th, 2011, 01:22 PM
Consider bringing her own conditioner to the salon because she doesn't want the cone-laden stuff they have xD

July 10th, 2011, 01:25 PM
Pack a bunch of various hair toys in her purse for that "just in case" moment. For instance, yesterday ( it was super hot in SD), I was having lunch with DH & while we were waiting for our food...I whipped out my hairsticks to make a Chinese bun. My DH just rolled his eyes & told me that I play with my hair too much! LOL!

You mean having an emergency toy kit in your purse isn't normal? ;)

July 10th, 2011, 02:19 PM
Notice that it's pelting down outside, put on a coat, and take their hair out for a rain bath.

July 10th, 2011, 02:57 PM
THIS. I need to figure out a better way to wash my body without wetting my hair, because detangling is SUCH an ordeal. I've been guilty of becoming a touch icky before I get around to showering, since its hot and its summer, and I ride my bike to class... :whistle:

Plus my acne is flaring up on my face since my face really needs to get washed every day!! Speaking of which, do LHCers have any good tips on washing your faces without wetting your hair? What about showering without wetting your hair? I feel like a shower cap or pinning up my hair would not be adequate to keep my hair at the nape and around my forehead & ears from getting wet, especially if I'm scrubbing my face up to my forehead!!

How about a spa headband?

Disposable (http://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Spa-Headband-Pack-AH1051/dp/B001680Q8Q) or Reusable (http://www.sallybeauty.com/headband/SBS-260650,default,pd.html)

They don't have as much tension as a "workout" style headband, so less likely to pull out your curls...

July 10th, 2011, 03:05 PM
How about a spa headband?

Disposable (http://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Spa-Headband-Pack-AH1051/dp/B001680Q8Q) or Reusable (http://www.sallybeauty.com/headband/SBS-260650,default,pd.html)

They don't have as much tension as a "workout" style headband, so less likely to pull out your curls...

OoOo that was a good idea. I like that they also have ones with velcro, so I don't have to worry about squishing my curls and stretching them as I try to get a headband on... I can be nice and gentle :)

This one (http://www.amazon.com/Microfiber-Headband-Sand-count-AH6001S/dp/B0017H86MY) is even microfiber, which is super gentle on hair.

July 10th, 2011, 04:05 PM
For those looking for suggestions on face washing without wetting your hair... what I do is wear a headband pushing my hair back at the front and twist all the back hair up in a claw clip. Its not an attractive look but it keeps my hair out of the way :)

July 10th, 2011, 06:17 PM
You mean having an emergency toy kit in your purse isn't normal? ;)

LOL! Still a newbie so I'm still learning! Gonna need to reorganize my purses to make sure I got an emergency kit just for hair toys! :cheese:

July 11th, 2011, 09:36 AM
Here's the link for Squiggyflop's Youtube site:

I know I MUST NOT click on this, beacuse I already decided to leave with the train that goes an hour later than the original plan - and I cannot miss that one...

Btw: I love this thread :D :D :D

if you both would kindly remove my youtube from the mane forum i would be grateful.. the reason i dont like it posted here is that every time it gets posted there that i get a fresh tide of hair f3t*shists posting comments and messaging me scary things that they want to do to me and my hair..

i was wondering where the fresh tide of these creeps was coming in lately.

Dina L.
July 11th, 2011, 09:51 AM
spend from EIGHT HOURS entirely trying to detangle a STUCK hairbrush from their hair in order to save some remaining strands and not have to go drastic and cut any hair. unfortunately i could not get it out on my own. I had to call a friend who lives across town who looked up on the net how to try and get it out. (I had a shower at eleven thirty at night, too, so this all happened at night time) I couldn't do it myself so i had to drive HALF an hour away in morning Peak hour traffic with a HAIR BRUSH STUCK IN MY HEAD so she could help. She couldn't so we eventually had to go to the hairdressers, who was FORBIDDEN to cut my hair to get it out! She was very acommodating, i thought, and did a brilliant job of getting it out, completely mutilated the brush in order to save my hair!!!! (I KNOW, for once a hairdressing story that HAS a happy ending!) Needless to say, I will NEVER EVER EVER again use a round brush in my hair, when trying to blowfry. (i rarely blowfry to begin with anyway.)
:cheese:PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!!!! the cheese says PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, once I had to do the same to a friend of mine. She was having her wedding in a few months so she didn't want to cut her hair at all. I had to cut off all the spikes of the round brush one by one. It took at least 3 hours. :)

July 11th, 2011, 09:56 AM
if you both would kindly remove my youtube from the mane forum i would be grateful.. the reason i dont like it posted here is that every time it gets posted there that i get a fresh tide of hair f3t*shists posting comments and messaging me scary things that they want to do to me and my hair..

i was wondering where the fresh tide of these creeps was coming in lately.

Oh dear. Wasn't trying to encourage the creepies. :/

Dina L.
July 11th, 2011, 10:08 AM
Plus my acne is flaring up on my face since my face really needs to get washed every day!! Speaking of which, do LHCers have any good tips on washing your faces without wetting your hair? What about showering without wetting your hair? I feel like a shower cap or pinning up my hair would not be adequate to keep my hair at the nape and around my forehead & ears from getting wet, especially if I'm scrubbing my face up to my forehead!!

Can't you just adjust the shower head below your face? Or it would be even better to get a shower hose, that way my hair never gets wet. As for the scrubbing: I do it at the sink in front of the mirror and only my babyhairs get wet.

July 11th, 2011, 10:44 AM
Can't you just adjust the shower head below your face? Or it would be even better to get a shower hose, that way my hair never gets wet. As for the scrubbing: I do it at the sink in front of the mirror and only my babyhairs get wet.

Nope, not if I want to wear it down after I get out of the shower. The splashing above my forehead and at the nape of my neck really messes with my curls, and it can look limp in the very front when I let down my hair (which sucks, because I am the most concerned with the hair that frames my face.)

July 11th, 2011, 09:38 PM
I removed the site from my post. Sorry!

if you both would kindly remove my youtube from the mane forum i would be grateful.. the reason i dont like it posted here is that every time it gets posted there that i get a fresh tide of hair f3t*shists posting comments and messaging me scary things that they want to do to me and my hair..

i was wondering where the fresh tide of these creeps was coming in lately.

July 12th, 2011, 07:06 AM
I removed the site from my post. Sorry!
thankyou :)

July 14th, 2011, 12:11 AM
Without any reason at all develop paranoia about my hair not being as thick as it used to be, then dig out a 7 year old home video so I can study my ponytail in detail and realise that actually my hair is the same thickness it always has been

July 14th, 2011, 01:00 AM
See my "My visit to the hardware store" thread.

July 14th, 2011, 08:05 PM
Speaking of which, do LHCers have any good tips on washing your faces without wetting your hair? What about showering without wetting your hair? I feel like a shower cap or pinning up my hair would not be adequate to keep my hair at the nape and around my forehead & ears from getting wet, especially if I'm scrubbing my face up to my forehead!!

I haven't gotten to read to the end of the thread, so forgive me if someone already addressed the facial washing thing, but I don't wash my face in the shower. I wash my face after I brush my teeth so that I can make sure the facial cleanser doesn't touch my hair. Since I use separate washcloths for face vs body anyway, its very easy. Once I'm out of the shower my face is nicely steamed and I put on my moisturizer then.

July 14th, 2011, 08:18 PM
I used to make a homemade hair dye from Beets... I'm already a red head, so it just really brightened up my color, and gave me some bitchin highlights! LOVED it!!!
...beg you for the recipe.

July 14th, 2011, 08:21 PM
Nope, not if I want to wear it down after I get out of the shower. The splashing above my forehead and at the nape of my neck really messes with my curls, and it can look limp in the very front when I let down my hair (which sucks, because I am the most concerned with the hair that frames my face.)

Hair tied up plus a shower cap?
What the...I...my purple? What happened to it!! All my buttons at the top are disabled!?

July 14th, 2011, 09:46 PM
watch Camelot and study all the females for random fun looking hair styles to try. (fyi, so far everything seems rather run of the mill easy stuff).

Melon Collie
July 14th, 2011, 09:56 PM
You roll your hair up in your car window and not realize it until you turn your head.

My driver's side window is temperamental. I have to open the door, stand up and push on one side of it to get it to roll up without it going up crooked. Occasionally, a few strands of my hair will get caught if I'm not paying attention.

July 14th, 2011, 11:12 PM
There was a car in front of me on the freeway today with ACV as the letters on their license plate and I couldnt stop thinking about washing my hair when I got home.

July 14th, 2011, 11:39 PM
...find some baby food while cleaning out the cupboard and wonder if it could somehow be used on hair.

BTW...yes it can...I washed my scalp with the applesauce and it worked pretty well. :)

July 14th, 2011, 11:43 PM
My LHC moment was when I went to get a trim and my hairdresser started RIPPING through my wet, curly hair, no conditioner, no detangler, nothing. I started freaking out and I wasn't sure what to say. I just leaned forward and awkwardly said, "um, I really like to brush my own hair and I'll need a wide tooth comb and some biosilk." She didn't really know how to take it, but she watched as I combed and conditioned and she said she thought I was "overdoing it". I found a new hairdresser :)

Also, when I watch Ever After, I go into a "do everything I can to condition my hair and micro trim it and massage my scalp and BBB tonight" because Drew Barrymore's hair is SO long in that movie and it inspires me *:D*

kamikaze hair
July 15th, 2011, 06:24 AM
nice, i would have found a new hairdresser too!

:cheese:PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!!!! the cheese says PARTY!!!!!!!!!

July 15th, 2011, 08:51 AM
Consider starting a post entitled Show Me Your Buns! And not really think there was anything wrong with that until you typed it out while sitting on the couch with your DH, who promptly burst in to hysterical laughter while reading over your shoulder...

Sweet Beat
July 15th, 2011, 09:05 AM
... look at the ingredient list on every single shampoo bottle in the store to find one without sulfates.

July 15th, 2011, 10:22 AM
... Get her hair caught in the car window for the first time and, instead of going "Ow!", think "Milestone!!" and grin.

July 15th, 2011, 10:25 AM
I have been experimenting on my skin and hair with every edible thing out here. It actually concerns me that my hubby no longer says "what's that stuff in your hair?" haha

July 15th, 2011, 10:37 AM
Consider starting a post entitled Show Me Your Buns! And not really think there was anything wrong with that until you typed it out while sitting on the couch with your DH, who promptly burst in to hysterical laughter while reading over your shoulder...

HAHA :grnbiggri :lol:

July 15th, 2011, 11:05 AM
Only an LHCer would watch Camelot for the hair.

July 15th, 2011, 11:12 AM
I need to figure out a better way to wash my body without wetting my hair, because detangling is SUCH an ordeal. I've been guilty of becoming a touch icky before I get around to showering, since its hot and its summer, and I ride my bike to class... :whistle:

Plus my acne is flaring up on my face since my face really needs to get washed every day!! Speaking of which, do LHCers have any good tips on washing your faces without wetting your hair? What about showering without wetting your hair? I feel like a shower cap or pinning up my hair would not be adequate to keep my hair at the nape and around my forehead & ears from getting wet, especially if I'm scrubbing my face up to my forehead!!

I picked up 8 plastic disposable shower caps at the dollar store. Before I got them, I used to just pin my hair out of the way when I didn't want to wash it, but the front and nape would always get a bit damp from washing my face and back. I also use the caps when I CWC - on the final condition, I clip it up then cover it w/ the cap so the conditioner doesn't get rinsed out to early. I just rinse them out and reuse them, rather than throwing them away. With the cap, I haven't noticed too much problem with the hair around the cap getting horribly wet.

And - to contribute to the thread in general - just this AM I was contemplating buying a pair of hair scissors to keep in my desk at work, just in case I found a really nasty split end, that way I wouldn't be tempted to cut it with my normal scissors. My co-workers would think I was crazy! :crazyq:

July 15th, 2011, 11:22 AM
My LHC moment was when I went to get a trim and my hairdresser started RIPPING through my wet, curly hair, no conditioner, no detangler, nothing. I started freaking out and I wasn't sure what to say. I just leaned forward and awkwardly said, "um, I really like to brush my own hair and I'll need a wide tooth comb and some biosilk." She didn't really know how to take it, but she watched as I combed and conditioned and she said she thought I was "overdoing it". I found a new hairdresser :)

Also, when I watch Ever After, I go into a "do everything I can to condition my hair and micro trim it and massage my scalp and BBB tonight" because Drew Barrymore's hair is SO long in that movie and it inspires me *:D*

That sounds terrible! I've never had a stylist be anything but gentle with my hair, even if they aren't CG stylists. It's very 'balls-y' of you to take charge and leave the hairdresser. Definitely a good call.

I picked up 8 plastic disposable shower caps at the dollar store. Before I got them, I used to just pin my hair out of the way when I didn't want to wash it, but the front and nape would always get a bit damp from washing my face and back. I also use the caps when I CWC - on the final condition, I clip it up then cover it w/ the cap so the conditioner doesn't get rinsed out to early. I just rinse them out and reuse them, rather than throwing them away. With the cap, I haven't noticed too much problem with the hair around the cap getting horribly wet.

And - to contribute to the thread in general - just this AM I was contemplating buying a pair of hair scissors to keep in my desk at work, just in case I found a really nasty split end, that way I wouldn't be tempted to cut it with my normal scissors. My co-workers would think I was crazy! :crazyq:

Thanks for the tip, and omgosh, I just did the same thing with the scissors!! I was sitting in class and began noticing 'white dots' in my hair. I thought, maybe these are just particles of dust, or dandruff or something? So I tried to pull the white stuff out by sliding my thumb & forefinger over the hair strand.... Terrible idea!! The end of the hair strands would break at the white dots into these little pieces! :bigeyes: I went to CVS that very afternoon to get scissors so I could attend to them when I got home.

July 15th, 2011, 01:58 PM
... Get her hair caught in the car window for the first time and, instead of going "Ow!", think "Milestone!!" and grin.
Hehehe very cute !

Now mine for the day : only an LHCer would cut a brand new terrycloth ponytail holder open because of ONE hair caught in it and the other solutions would have been unbraiding 30 minutes worth of intricate stuff or - heaven forbid ! - break that one and lonely hair.

July 15th, 2011, 05:36 PM
Carry my comb everywhere (: . Seriously, I'm never without that thing.

July 15th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Have spent so many hours on this site, all times of day and night: that you come to Know what a wonderful community this is. No matter what the question, issue or crisis, no matter what day of the week, or time of day or night, there's a forum on LHC to post it on. And someone Will respond.And all you see over and over, is folks here pitching in, LHC-er's have each other's backs! It's only thru being an LHC-er, that you will understand, and I think agree with this: LHC is a wonderful comfort. :) LHC is like the comfort that kind of makes up for when a coworker you are really close to, moves on to a better job elsewhere. You are happy for them, but think, aw no, who will I turn to, about, whatever? All hours of the day, all seasons of the year, another long hair is out there and awake too, and ready to give a hair tip or have your back. Sweet, Sweet Community!

July 15th, 2011, 08:48 PM
Think that when her camera's broken lens starts working after weeks of forgetting to take it in to be repaired, "Hmm, looks like benign neglect works on electronics too!" As well as being giddy at the prospect of taking more pictures of the back of her head.

July 15th, 2011, 10:15 PM
i have a pair of hair scissors at my desk at work to cut splits lol
take comments such as "are u wearing extensions" as a compliment
acv in the shower at all times
special bowl and spoon in the bathroom for whipping up concoctions
thinking of decorative ways to display your hair toys

July 16th, 2011, 02:25 AM
Make rooibos tea and force-spray it on her husband's hair, jojoba oil her 2 y old's hair, and indeed: have a 2 y old girl who knows to turn around and let mommy finish twin french braids disguised as a crown quietly, and never attempt to pull out the little flower that decorates them...
Am I a tyrant? I think so :D

July 16th, 2011, 02:27 AM
bring a comb , a brush, 2 different hairmasks , and oil on a 5 day trip:)

July 16th, 2011, 02:56 AM
Laugh when someone says "cheese".

July 16th, 2011, 04:19 AM
haha yes! I was just thinking the other day, "Only here would someone admit they haven't washed their hair in a week, and be congratulated." :p

^ This :) Ive stopped mentioning anything about my hairroutine outside of LHC except when someone seems genuinely interested and even then I only surrender a few select bits of 'non-gross' information... like natural shampoo and conditioner... Nothing about using food products on my hair, experimenting with oils and washing once a week :p

July 16th, 2011, 04:38 AM
Write a 1400 word essay (blog) on all the items she'd bought for her hair.

July 16th, 2011, 10:21 AM
Write a 1400 word essay (blog) on all the items she'd bought for her hair.

Only 1400 words? Amateur! :lol:

July 16th, 2011, 10:45 AM
Write a 1400 word essay (blog) on all the items she'd bought for her hair.
Piker! I am sure I could easily rack up that much on my latest GTS fork (http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m529/Alvrodul/Hairtoys/Sunrisefork5.jpg) alone! :bigtongue:

July 16th, 2011, 11:16 AM
^ This :) Ive stopped mentioning anything about my hairroutine outside of LHC except when someone seems genuinely interested and even then I only surrender a few select bits of 'non-gross' information... like natural shampoo and conditioner... Nothing about using food products on my hair, experimenting with oils and washing once a week :p

Uh huh. I pawned off an old shampoo (J/A/S/O/N bodifying) to my boyfriend, and he kept asking me, "Are you sure you're not going to use it?" Finally I told him, "Just take it. I don't use it anymore because my scalp gets greasy after the fourth or fifth day, and if I use baking soda or egg shampoo I can go more than a week..."

That's when I saw the look on his face and thought, Oh yeah that's right... this is not normal. Shutting up now.

I also refused an offer of a free shampoo sample at Sephora by saying without thinking, "Oh, no thank you - I don't use shampoo." Poor girl looked shocked and actually backed away. :o

Bohemian Haze
July 16th, 2011, 11:29 AM
Spend the morning briefing at work silently looking around the room and deciding that EVERYONE in there would look better with longer hair LOL!

July 16th, 2011, 10:52 PM
Only 1400 words? Amateur! :lol:

Hey, I'm still in training. :)

Piker! I am sure I could easily rack up that much on my latest GTS fork (http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m529/Alvrodul/Hairtoys/Sunrisefork5.jpg) alone! :bigtongue:

You should. I was admiring that fork in the addicts thread. So unique. I've never seen anything like it. But you've got to have the right presence for such a piece--so you're wearing it rather than it wearing you.

July 16th, 2011, 10:56 PM
feel guilty because I didn't give you all poll and chance to decide if I should box dye over my lightened henna in my current plot to get back to my natural color.

July 17th, 2011, 09:42 AM
Curse the fact that she has a long waist/torso because it seems to take foreeever to get there from BSL...

July 17th, 2011, 09:52 AM
...feel quietly smug when watching a shampoo commercial, knowing that a) all those suds probably don't the hair an awful lot of good, and b) I'm not using products to try to disguise split ends. :p

That's when I saw the look on his face and thought, Oh yeah that's right... this is not normal. Shutting up now.

LMAO. I know that feeling well...

Peggy E.
July 17th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Watch classic movies in hopes they will show the backs of the women's heads and I can see how they're wearing their hair (particularly if it's an era where there are hair comb!)

Peggy E.
July 17th, 2011, 09:57 AM
Hey, I'm still in training. :)

You should. I was admiring that fork in the addicts thread. So unique. I've never seen anything like it. But you've got to have the right presence for such a piece--so you're wearing it rather than it wearing you.

Oh, I don't care if the comb wears ME! In fact, anything that draws attention away from the lower part of me is something I'm all for in a major way!!!

July 17th, 2011, 10:32 AM

You should. I was admiring that fork in the addicts thread. So unique. I've never seen anything like it. But you've got to have the right presence for such a piece--so you're wearing it rather than it wearing you.
I have come to like big and unique hairtoys - I have some lovely antiques that definitely are "stop the traffic" pieces - like the one in my Avatar pic - that picture shows my Constitution Day updo for this year. And it garnered me a number of long looks and compliments, too! :D

July 17th, 2011, 11:39 AM
... consider killing her BF on the spot with a woden comb (sharpest object at hand ATM ...) because of the sound of ONE snapping hair as he parted the back to help dye the unreachable parts.
Headline : "man savagely slaughtered for having broken one hair" :D.

July 17th, 2011, 11:49 AM
...on receiving an unwanted gift of a metal bookmark, think: "Could I use this like a fork to hold up my bun...?"

Answer: YES!! Looks super-cute perched in my hair! :cheese:

(similar to this one) http://www.mindbodyspiritonline.co.uk/owl-glitter-bookmark-redbrown-4880-p.asp

July 17th, 2011, 03:23 PM
I've got another one.

Only an LHCer would hang out at the knitting section of craft stores and/or knitting shops to find nifty needles to double as hair-sticks. I'm a knitter - and whenever I find myself by the needles, I ALWAYS look for new sticks for my hair. :D

Carrie Ingalls
July 17th, 2011, 05:51 PM
...would consider what the possible implications of wearing a particular hairdo in the event of a head, neck, or back injury. Or wonder what would happen in a car accident if their hair was in an updo.

...casually scoop their hair from behind them and hold it in their hand while walking down stairs (to keep it from dragging on the steps.)

...be overly aware of being in the sun not just for potential skin damage but the effects that it will have on their hair.

July 17th, 2011, 07:01 PM
...corrupt his/her family, friends, and SO to the LHC ways. :) I totally got my BF to like SLS-free shampoo. He also likes how his hair is after I put coconut oil on it.

July 18th, 2011, 01:38 AM
... would be a male AND be browsing the crystal hair-sticks at the glass stall at RenFair. ;)

July 18th, 2011, 07:29 AM
get excited (only a tiny bit annoyed) at her not-even-shoulder-length-yet hair getting snagged in the upper part of the seat belt :)

Yay! It's growing :)

July 18th, 2011, 08:06 AM
...corrupt his/her family, friends, and SO to the LHC ways. :) I totally got my BF to like SLS-free shampoo. He also likes how his hair is after I put coconut oil on it.

Same here! My SO mixes a little oil into his SLS-free shampoo before applying, and he loves it. Who knew?!

July 18th, 2011, 10:53 AM
I've got another one.

Only an LHCer would hang out at the knitting section of craft stores and/or knitting shops to find nifty needles to double as hair-sticks. I'm a knitter - and whenever I find myself by the needles, I ALWAYS look for new sticks for my hair. :D

... haunt estate sales specifically in search of dear departed little old ladies' stashes of knitting needles. Sorry you lost Grandma, folks, but SCORE!! :cheese:

July 20th, 2011, 09:04 PM
... haunt estate sales specifically in search of dear departed little old ladies' stashes of knitting needles. Sorry you lost Grandma, folks, but SCORE!! :cheese:

That is SO true. I'm always disappointed when I check out our local antique stores and can't find hair sticks, pins, or combs. Seriously - who is buying those suckers, anyway?

And here's another one. Only an LHCer would sit on the couch w/ their SO and S&D while watching TV/movie and stay up for HOURS because you might find another split end!

July 21st, 2011, 02:42 AM
... haunt estate sales specifically in search of dear departed little old ladies' stashes of knitting needles. Sorry you lost Grandma, folks, but SCORE!! :cheese:

HAHAHA, so funny :) Good idea though, maybe I should start doing this... but then my SO will think Im even more weird and be scared that itll never end :p

December 2nd, 2019, 12:19 PM
..walk along a street in a foreign country, see "WO" carved into a stone wall and immediately think "water only". :rollin: I have no idea what it was SUPPOSED to mean!

December 2nd, 2019, 12:25 PM
Haha that's too funny!! No idea what that should mean either!

December 3rd, 2019, 09:07 AM
... keep her hair alone without enhancing natural color, or lighten dark hair, would do neat braids and updos instead of messy trendy ones and would sleep with her hair bunned or braided, in a sleep cap or loose and be careful not to sleep on it.
ETA: and keep her updos for hours(!) no matter if she goes to work then buying groceries, probably also doing fitness and even cook and have dinner - all of these the same updo until she goes to the bathroom, brushes her teeth then detangles and prepares her hair for night time

December 3rd, 2019, 09:42 AM
That is SO true. I'm always disappointed when I check out our local antique stores and can't find hair sticks, pins, or combs. Seriously - who is buying those suckers, anyway?

I've done the same thing and haven't had any luck yet either. It'd be nice if I could find an interesting antique hairpin or decorative comb. They always have a large selection of brooches and jewelry and such though.

May 2nd, 2023, 01:42 AM
...look through ends of hair while on public transport wishing I had scissors on hand/planning and looking forward to S&D later in the day :scissors:

May 3rd, 2023, 07:33 PM
fall asleep to pictures of people with long hair it just relaxes me!

May 3rd, 2023, 07:51 PM
Have a messed up bun fall out after working out and stop changing to fix it because last time putting on shoes with hair down ended up tying hair into the laces

May 3rd, 2023, 07:59 PM
... wince when seeing girls and woman with hair scraped back Into a pony tail you can just see the balding on the sides due to having it pull your scalp to tight

May 3rd, 2023, 10:08 PM
Cringe whenever I see a person trying to make a bun with an elastic band.

May 4th, 2023, 03:01 AM
Haha, I applaud all the answers in this thread, so true!

I recently stood in a line behind a lady with terribly bleach-fried hair and I felt the pain for her. It looked so bad I considered talking to her and perhaps try giving her some advice (it was a long line) but I refrained. It might have been impolite, I don´t know.
And since joining LHC I seriously consider re-watching some shows like Bridgerton or GOT, merely to ogle at and enjoy the hairstyles (with my new LHC eyes).

May 4th, 2023, 06:11 AM
Fun idea for a thread!

I was in labour over the weekend and had been worrying about monster tangles. Because... that's what hours of delivering a baby does to your hair. Brushing afterwards would result in a lot of damage! I braided and rebraided my hair, brushing in between, several times during labour and during my hospital stay and I was so proud of having gone through birth without any more tangles than daily lfe would give me. Probably an LHC moment.... :laugh:

May 4th, 2023, 07:12 AM
Fun idea for a thread!

I was in labour over the weekend and had been worrying about monster tangles. Because... that's what hours of delivering a baby does to your hair. Brushing afterwards would result in a lot of damage! I braided and rebraided my hair, brushing in between, several times during labour and during my hospital stay and I was so proud of having gone through birth without any more tangles than daily lfe would give me. Probably an LHC moment.... :laugh:

LOL you gave birth to a human being and one of your top concerns is tangles, truly a long hair’s priority. Peak LHCer behavior.

May 4th, 2023, 07:18 AM
LOL you gave birth to a human being and one of your top concerns is tangles, truly a long hair’s priority. Peak LHCer behavior.

I know, right? Haha.

May 4th, 2023, 07:20 AM
Hahaha Sepp V! That is truly a LHC moment!
(I would probably have the same)
congratulations with your newborn!!!

May 4th, 2023, 09:13 AM
Only an LHCer would be getting a phone call from her husband, listing the hair woes of his colleagues who are asking me for help, because they all know I'm the one to come to and knows what works. It's actually really lovely, and I hope my advice helps them!

May 4th, 2023, 10:42 AM
...have a large collection of hair oils
...consider if anything that touches your hair is going to create mechanical damage
...calculate the time it takes until the next big milestone(s)
...spend hours upon hours admiring hair toys and be in constant internal turmoil since you can't buy all of them but want to

Guilty as charged :toast:

May 5th, 2023, 11:32 AM
Feel relief to come home from vacation and get back to the usual wash day routine.
I oiled my scalp and left it in overnight (my part got sunburned even with sunscreen D:), shampooed this morning with my Kerotin shampoo and now I'm doing a hair mask.

SeppV, congratulations on your baby! ♡

May 5th, 2023, 11:48 AM
SeppV...so funny! Big congratulations, both on the baby and your moment of victory over the dreaded tangles!

May 5th, 2023, 12:13 PM
Thank you, all! :-) My hair is tangly today - new born days are busy! Haha.

May 5th, 2023, 05:29 PM
Congratulations, SeppV! Hope you get some sleep soon.

May 8th, 2023, 10:56 AM
Use a specific name for a specific bun, so specific that it literally has someone’s name on the bun, I’m not even joking, we have the Jamie Leigh, the Madora, the Spidermom, the Pha, the Nessa, the Hypno, the Neoma, etc. And we just click the specific shape with the specific bun name immediately.

May 8th, 2023, 12:03 PM
Have a striped t-shirt which is only worn when taking photos of your hair from behind.....oh the joy when your hair has reached another stripe!

May 8th, 2023, 01:30 PM
LOL you gave birth to a human being and one of your top concerns is tangles, truly a long hair’s priority. Peak LHCer behavior.

Well, to be fair, it's not like the baby's hair is long enough to fuss over yet! LOL

Only an LHCer would be getting a phone call from her husband, listing the hair woes of his colleagues who are asking me for help, because they all know I'm the one to come to and knows what works. It's actually really lovely, and I hope my advice helps them!

See, my luck is always that people all around me would be going, "I don't know what to do with my hair. I just don't know how to grow it long. Haven't a clue how to take care of it. No idea whatsoever. Gee I need help. Gosh I wish I knew someone who might know about these things," while I'm standing right next to them thinking, "What am I, chopped liver???" LOL

May 9th, 2023, 03:07 AM
..vacuum their hair brush :cheese:

May 9th, 2023, 03:51 PM
Have a separate Instagram just for hair stuff

Vara La Fey
May 9th, 2023, 11:23 PM
....Make a spreadsheet for product ingredient lists and ingredient definitions.

....Use that spreadsheet to pick out backup products in advance just in case a go-to product is discontinued.

May 10th, 2023, 07:37 AM
Have a separate Instagram just for hair stuff

Me too. I also have a separate account for my cat and another for my garden, I just don’t want to mix my hair content with private stuff anymore because there are too many weirdos out there.

May 23rd, 2023, 03:41 PM
Browse our equivalent of Craigslist and consider if anything could be used for hair toys. The real deal is hard to come by here, and buying new ones feel like a vey big investment with shipping and taxes and all..