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April 23rd, 2010, 07:48 AM
Sorry if there has already been a thread about this. Has anyone actually ever threatened your hair? I used to get it in my last job. I had hair between hip and classic all the time I was there and a colleague used to threaten to cut it as a joke. He once even went as far as to grab hold of my braid and pretend to cut it off half way down. I took to wearing my hair up a lot after that

This was in the mid 90's and I wasn't as good at being assertive then. These days I would reply, politely but firmly "you cut my hair off and I am sueing you for assault".

April 23rd, 2010, 08:08 AM
It happens. People have done that to me when my hair was necklength.....He probably didn´t mean it in "that way".
Being assertive is always key, and most people are better at it a little later in life.

April 23rd, 2010, 08:26 AM
Only jokingly, and I usually half-jokingly threaten their well-being in return... Most people don't anymore! Apparently I'm slightly scary somehow. :shrug:

April 23rd, 2010, 09:28 AM
Sorry if there has already been a thread about this. Has anyone actually ever threatened your hair? I used to get it in my last job. I had hair between hip and classic all the time I was there and a colleague used to threaten to cut it as a joke. He once even went as far as to grab hold of my braid and pretend to cut it off half way down. I took to wearing my hair up a lot after that

This was in the mid 90's and I wasn't as good at being assertive then. These days I would reply, politely but firmly "you cut my hair off and I am sueing you for assault".

I think threatening a lawsuit is the best way to shut those people up.
Nobody has threatened my hair since my mom did it when I was a kid.:( If anyone threatened me now, I'd wrestle them to the ground.:slap:

April 23rd, 2010, 09:40 AM
i just get scared my 4 yr old is gonna want to cut someones hair one day besides his own!! lets hope not!! i will scream!!

April 23rd, 2010, 09:45 AM
My DH doesn't like my hair long & has threatened to cut it "jokingly" but it makes me mad anyway. I usually try to smile & laugh at him. I should threaten to cut something of his off, but I am not like that I guess.
I am trying to grow mine down to my waist, I usually wear it up so that he can't see it that much. He doesn't make remarks very often, about once in every 6 mon. or so.
I have had my hair cut pretty short before & he has never said that it was too short - he probably wouldn't say anything if I had it cut in a butch haircut :mad:

April 23rd, 2010, 09:45 AM
When I was in the fifth grade, I was at a friend's house and she did something mean. She threatened if I told she would cut my hair off and throw it down the laundry shoot (which she knew I was terrified of.)

Now if someone threatened to cut my hair off - most likely it would be a guy - I'd say that you don't want to know what I would cut off of you in retaliation.

April 23rd, 2010, 09:59 AM
I get a few "joking" threats to cut my hair, but I guess I admit my hair isn't in the best condition yet, and since only my brothers are making the threats, I guess I'm not really bothered.

I went for a trim the other day to remove the lint sticker ends, and the stylist and teacher both really liked my hair and did talk me into a bit more of a "cut" so I have a shoulder length bob now that really does make me very happy. I enjoy this way more I think because it's actually styled. But I didn't take it to be a threat to cut my hair - more on I really felt how much they loved my hair, understood that I am growing to fix my damage and don't want it super short, and they did work with what I want and like.

April 23rd, 2010, 10:05 AM
When my father first saw my long hair (he lives 3000+ miles away, and we aren't emotionally close), he picked up the scissors and made cutting motions at me while saying "it looks like a big old mess". Bah; he's in his 80s and weak; no threat there.

April 23rd, 2010, 10:16 AM
Someone in my physics class once threatened to cut off my hair. He had scissors in his hands at the time.

I responded that I'd cut off something hanging of his if he ever thought of doing that...then he went back to his seat.

Do NOT mess with my hair. Hehe.

April 23rd, 2010, 10:47 AM
The main time I remember that happened to me it was in a college class, and the guy was holding a pair of scissors and said "What would you do if I cut your hair off?". I had a braid, I think, oh, nearly to my waist. He had hair past his shoulders, loose. He thought he was "joking".

I smiled in a feral way and said "I'd cut something of yours off" I was very angry and it was out before I thought. :evil:

He backed off.

I wanted to wear my hair up after that but didn't want his actions to change how I acted. And I don't think he meant it. Just a really bad 'joke'.

But it did make me very much more aware of people around me when my hair is at all down and accessible.:cool:

April 23rd, 2010, 10:51 AM
I have gotten the 'want to cut it off", but only in a joking way.... although I am not sure why other people find this funny? :shrug:

April 23rd, 2010, 02:45 PM
I've gotten that at concerts from people standing behind me.
Oh look, put your sigaret in it!!
Or, Nice place to dispose my gum in, that will teach her!
Teach me what??
People are just dumb like that.
They never really did luckily.

April 23rd, 2010, 02:50 PM
Ugh. Yup. My friend (who is now suddenly into growing her hair) threatened to cut my bun off in my sleep. (Its kinda far from my house so when i go over there i stay the night). Not only did she threaten. She actually pretty much explained how she would do it. Showed me with her hands her pulling my bun from my head and made a cutting motion through it. >.>
The only thing i was thinking was...I'm gonna write this on TLHC :angry:
I guess i should have been frustrated. However shes admitted in subtle ways she doesn't like anyone else to have something she doesn't. Jealousy eh?
I keep my hair up AT ALL TIMES around her. Then again...i have for years
I just don't want to deal with it. She is the least likely person i would wear my hair down around.
At least she no longer comments negatively on my hair sticks...:hmm: for the most part.
I'm sure now I'd respond differently. :luke: I would definitely say something back.

Other then that I don't really remember people making threats about cutting my hair. Its up most of the time...though I have gotten bun comments their usually nice.

ETA: Hm thing is this friend never said she was joking. She looked for the most part...pretty serious O_O. As most of her *joking* is

April 23rd, 2010, 02:58 PM
I can't believe how many of you have gotten (even jokingly) threats of cutting. Why do people do this? How is this ever funny??? :confused:

April 23rd, 2010, 03:11 PM
I used to get this a lot when my hair was past tailbone length. But I wasn't offended by it - I mean, people who were saying they'd cut my hair would never actually waltz up to me and hack it off, so I wasn't bothered by it at all.

However - if someone ever did actually cut my hair off without my consent, they would have to deal with swift and painful consequences!

April 23rd, 2010, 03:35 PM
Someone in my physics class once threatened to cut off my hair. He had scissors in his hands at the time.

I responded that I'd cut off something hanging of his if he ever thought of doing that...then he went back to his seat.

Do NOT mess with my hair. Hehe.

Hehehe. That's the best answer so far. :p

April 23rd, 2010, 03:42 PM
Yeah, I've had it, too. I think it's probably more common than not. I dont' understand what part of people makes them think it is funny. I don't threaten my friends as a joke!

April 23rd, 2010, 03:53 PM
I think it certainly would be grounds for assult charges, and possibly a civil lawsuit for damages. I can't imagine what would possess someone that would let them think such a thing would be funny. It is a part of your body, for heaven's sake!

April 23rd, 2010, 03:55 PM
There was one boy when I was in primary school who thought it fun to walk behind my back with scissors and snip in the air. NOT FUN, especially not since it was in a menacing way and part of the rest of his bullying tactics. It went so far, after he had thrown a knife in the carpenter classroom and I had just went home crying not able to take it any longer after several years of patiently putting up with it since the school did nothing about it whatsoever, that my parents had to bring in the family lawyer and threat the school. Then, suddenly, the school had a real talk with the parents who talked with the boy...after that the boy never so much as looked wrongly at me again until way later when I could just say **** to him, and view him as utterly pathetic. Only time I've had my hair verbally threatened, though, except jokingly by my longhair sister. Though, it was really uncomfortable with the snipper in Gothenburg last year.

April 23rd, 2010, 03:58 PM
I can't believe how many of you have gotten (even jokingly) threats of cutting. Why do people do this? How is this ever funny??? :confused:Most people outside LHC just don't get the long hair thing. It's "just hair" to them. It's something to be washed and cut and styled. It's often an annoyance to some people. They can't fathom liking or wanting long hair. If they have that mindset I can see how they could make remarks about cutting off long hair and think that it's cute or funny. Some people just lack social skills and don't realize how offensive some kinds of joking around can be. It's never been funny to me. I've had comments made like that now and then and it's hard to know whether to threaten the person back with bodily harm or laughingly fluff it off like it's not a big deal. Sometimes a person will glom on to something that they know bothers you and keep up the remarks just because they know it gets your goat.

April 23rd, 2010, 04:16 PM
I guess you're right Carolyn. It just seems so inappropriate. I mean I'd never threaten to slash someone's tire or break their heel or something. I guess it does come from that 'it's just hair' mentality, but that seems like a huge intrusion to me. Mind you, I'm not comfortable with people touching me casually in any way, so casual touch + damage would probably result in me grabbing them by the hair very violently and screaming in their ear, if not something worse.
I don't know exactly how I'd respond to one of these threats but I'd be sure to get across that it's not an acceptable comment, whether serious or not.

April 23rd, 2010, 10:32 PM
When I was in high school, this boy in my English class snipped some of my hair off. I was wearing it in a braided ponytail, and all I heard was the snip and I was terrified that he had cut the braid! Luckily he only cut about two inches off one of the locks. Seemed like alot of hair on the ground, but it wasnt. And again, lucky my hair is so thick you couldn't see the damage at all.

I was SO angry with him!!! I hauled him outside, with the teacher folloing bemusedly behind, and I yelled at him. The teacher didn't understand why I was so upset. I think he gave him a detention because I asked him to, not because he thought the kid deserved it.

I'm always really conscious of my hair when I'm around people I don't know. I try and keep it up, or at least in a braid. I get abit freaked out in crowds sometimes, and I'll hide it down my shirt.

Wow, I sounda little paranoid there : p I'm not, I just love it and would like to keep it attached to me!

April 24th, 2010, 01:17 AM
heh, mom wanted me to cut my hair even before I reached high sholderblade, and i told her this: i'm growing out my hair because it's the look I want others to see of me. it's how I want to appear, and not what others think of how I look. She got the message and now she just lets me do whatever :)

April 24th, 2010, 03:07 AM
As a kid, i had beautiful long blonde wavy waist-length hair. My mum not only threatened to cut it off, but marched me to the hair dressers where it got lopped off to just above shoulder length. Then made me go and "show it off" at Brownies an hour later to all my friends, who barely recognised me with a short blow-dried straight bob. She's only ever made two bad decisions, my mum, and that was one of them- This is currently the longest i've worn my hair in... *counts* 13 years!

Oh, and not to mention the horrible girls who used to empty pencil sharpenings and flick bits of paper in my shoulder length curly hair, because it would get stuck all day. Oh, and our high school reunion is coming up. :P

April 24th, 2010, 04:45 AM
When I had hip length hair as a child I got that from the bullies at school a lot! It was really lame, of course I ended up chopping it off myself because of the peer pressure. Really stupid move on my part!

April 24th, 2010, 07:13 AM
I guess you're right Carolyn. It just seems so inappropriate. I mean I'd never threaten to slash someone's tire or break their heel or something. I guess it does come from that 'it's just hair' mentality, but that seems like a huge intrusion to me. Mind you, I'm not comfortable with people touching me casually in any way, so casual touch + damage would probably result in me grabbing them by the hair very violently and screaming in their ear, if not something worse.
I don't know exactly how I'd respond to one of these threats but I'd be sure to get across that it's not an acceptable comment, whether serious or not.Oh yes, it certainly is inappropriate. It's threatening assault with a weapon, it's theft, it's an invasion of your space. I'm sure there are other things I can't think of at the moment. People can often be very in appropriate. They didn't learn to respect other people's boundaries. Joking about cutting off long hair is a boundary to those of us who grow and treasure our long hair.

April 24th, 2010, 07:35 AM
Sorry if there has already been a thread about this. Has anyone actually ever threatened your hair? I used to get it in my last job. I had hair between hip and classic all the time I was there and a colleague used to threaten to cut it as a joke. He once even went as far as to grab hold of my braid and pretend to cut it off half way down. I took to wearing my hair up a lot after that

This was in the mid 90's and I wasn't as good at being assertive then. These days I would reply, politely but firmly "you cut my hair off and I am sueing you for assault".

Not as an adult, but I was punished by having my hair forcibly cut off when I was younger. I think the last time I was about 12 and had very long hair, down to my waist. It was chopped off with a pair of meat sheers.

I was actually more devastated by this method than when I got the belt.

April 24th, 2010, 07:45 AM
There was a really mean girl that I went to camp with as a teenager and she threatened to cut off the hair of the girls who she didn't think were cool enough. I slept with a hoodie tied tight around my head for three weeks!

April 24th, 2010, 07:51 AM
I went shopping and after visiting a shop the guy from the shop came running out with scissors coming after me, it was a joke, but still...

April 24th, 2010, 02:40 PM
Ugh. Yup. My friend (who is now suddenly into growing her hair) threatened to cut my bun off in my sleep. (Its kinda far from my house so when i go over there i stay the night). Not only did she threaten. She actually pretty much explained how she would do it. Showed me with her hands her pulling my bun from my head and made a cutting motion through it. >.>
The only thing i was thinking was...I'm gonna write this on TLHC :angry:
I guess i should have been frustrated. However shes admitted in subtle ways she doesn't like anyone else to have something she doesn't. Jealousy eh?
I keep my hair up AT ALL TIMES around her. Then again...i have for years
I just don't want to deal with it. She is the least likely person i would wear my hair down around.
At least she no longer comments negatively on my hair sticks...:hmm: for the most part.
I'm sure now I'd respond differently. :luke: I would definitely say something back.

Other then that I don't really remember people making threats about cutting my hair. Its up most of the time...though I have gotten bun comments their usually nice.

ETA: Hm thing is this friend never said she was joking. She looked for the most part...pretty serious O_O. As most of her *joking* is

She sounds unstable to me, seriously. This is not the right thinking and responses to have toward a stranger, let alone someone you've been friends with for years. It's much more unsettling for you to pretty much know she is not joking and wishes she could do it. It would freak me out having to be hair-conscious and so careful around her and wearing it up.

April 24th, 2010, 04:11 PM
Not as an adult, but I was punished by having my hair forcibly cut off when I was younger. I think the last time I was about 12 and had very long hair, down to my waist. It was chopped off with a pair of meat sheers.

I was actually more devastated by this method than when I got the belt.

Oh wow, that is really cruel :(.

I know a girl whose sister came up to her, said "do you like your hair?" and when the girl nodded, her sister took out scissors and cut half of it off at chin length. It had been down to her waist. That was in fifth grade and I can still remember feeling bad for her.

Fortunately I've never really had anyone threaten to cut my hair, though I wouldn't let my mom near my head with scissors (she did all the family trims) for years because I was afraid she'd cut it short. Not sure why I was so worried. Probably because she always talked about how she liked it short.

April 24th, 2010, 04:37 PM
I know a girl whose sister came up to her, said "do you like your hair?" and when the girl nodded, her sister took out scissors and cut half of it off at chin length. It had been down to her waist.

Wow, that's really extreme...how can somebody do that, especially to your own sister.

April 24th, 2010, 05:37 PM
Someone in my physics class once threatened to cut off my hair. He had scissors in his hands at the time.

I responded that I'd cut off something hanging of his if he ever thought of doing that...then he went back to his seat.

Do NOT mess with my hair. Hehe.
Hah, I like this threat! :cheese: The only person I've ever had threaten my hair is my little 11 year old brother as a joke. Still bothers me though.

April 24th, 2010, 08:29 PM
We've decided this thread violates the ban on forced hair-cut stories, and it is now closed.